Document Type : Research


1 Professor of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Shiraz University. Shiraz. Iran

2 Ph.D. candidate of Linguistics, Shiraz University. Shiraz. Iran


Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a new approach in the field of Discourse Analysis that examines the relationship between language and thought and discovers the hidden ideology behind the texts. In Critical Discourse Analysis, language has two layers, the superficial and the underlying. At the superficial layer, the discursive structures and features are explored while, at the underlying layer, the ideology and worldview of that discourse’s producer are discovered. Discursive features depict social actors. Social actors are all people who are present in a discourse. They are represented in different ways in the discourse with the help of socio-semantic features. In CDA, it is believed that most texts are ideological and that events are reported from a particular perspective. As a result, adopting this approach, the dominant ideologies in different texts can be re-examined. In this research, an attempt has been made to study one of the most important issues using CDA. The problem is domestic violence against women, and the method used to investigate is the model of social actors of Van Leeuwen (2008).
Domestic violence has recently received more formal attention in Iran. Domestic violence is one of the most common types of gender-based violence, which includes physical, psychological, verbal, sexual, economic, and social harassment. Women and girls are the most affected by domestic violence. Violence against women has devastating consequences, especially at the family level. Therefore, paying attention to this issue and examining it from different dimensions can be helpful. This study tries to analyze the narratives of women who have experienced various forms of domestic violence, using a completely linguistic model. In other words, by examining the discursive features in these narratives, this study explores the ideologies of the producers of these texts and also examines the tools and strategies that these women use to persuade or influence their audience.


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