نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری رشته آموزش زبان فارسی به غیرفارسی زبانان . دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی,

2 دانشیار دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی

3 استاد دانشگاه علامه طباطبایی


هدف اصلی پژوهش حاضر طراحی و ارزیابی تأثیرنرم‌افزار چند رسانه‌ای تولید محتوای آموزشی استوری لاین بر یادگیری درک مطلب خواندن است. روش پژوهش شبه آزمایشی و از نظر نوع هدف کاربردی است. جامعه آماری پژوهش را 30 نفر از فارسی‌آموزان سطح فوق میانی بین سنین 23 الی 50 سال در مرکز آموزش زبان فارسی دانشگاه مازندران تشکیل دادند. با استفاده از روش نمونه‌گیری در دسترس فارسی‌آموزان به دو گروه 15 نفری در گروه آزمایش و کنترل تقسیم شدند. گروه آزمایش طی8 جلسه، هر جلسه 75 دقیقه تحت روش آموزش از طریق نرم‌افزار تعاملی چندرسانه‌ای استوری‌لاین قرار گرفتند. ابزار اصلی پژوهش پیش‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون و مصاحبه کتبی از مدرسان بود. تجزیه و تحلیل داده‌ها با استفاده از آزمون تحلیل کوواریانس به روش آمیخته، شاخص روائی محتوا و ضریب همبستگی بین شاخه‌ای انجام شد. به منظور بررسی نرمال بودن توزیع متغیرها از آزمون شاپیرو ویلک، و برای پاسخ به فرضیه‌های پژوهش از آزمون تحلیل کوواریانس (ANCOVA) به روش آمیخته (Split Plot) و آزمون مشخصه آماری لامبدای ویلکز(Wilks' Lambda)، استفاده شد. یافته‌ها نشان می‌دهد نمرات متون گردشگری آزمودنیها در گروه آزمایش در پس‌آزمون و پس‌آزمون تأخیری، افزایش قابل توجه و معناداری نسبت به نمرات گروه کنترل نشان داد. همچنین نتایج نشان داد که محتوای آموزشی نرم‌افزار استوری‌لاین با اصول هفت‌گانه مایر تناسب دارد. در راستای پژوهش‌های آتی، محتوای تولید شده چندرسانه‌ای در این پژوهش می‌تواند برای پژوهشگران حوزه تولید محتوا، آموزش مجازی به‌طور همزمان و غیرهمزمان، آزمون‌سازی و برنامه‌ریزی‌آموزشی، کاربردها و راهکارهای عملی فراوانی داشته باشد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Designing and Training of Interactive Multimedia Software based on Meyer's learning Theory and its effect on reading comprehension skill to Non-Persian Speakers

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mahboobeh Nemati 1
  • Zari Saeedi 2
  • Reza Morad Sahraie 3

1 PhD student in the field of teaching Farsi to non-Persian speakers. Allameh Tabataba'i University,.

2 Associate Professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University

چکیده [English]

The main objective of this research is to design and evaluate the effect of multi-media software on the production of educational content in reading skill. The research method is quasi-experimental research. The statistical population of the study consisted of 30 Persian intermediate level students between the ages of 23 and 50 years in the Persian language teaching center of Mazandaran University. Using the available sampling method, Persian students was divided into two groups of 15 in the experimental and control groups. During 8 sessions, the experimental group underwent a training session of 75 minutes each session through the online multimedia interactive software. The main tools of the research were pre-test and post-test and a written interview with language learners. Data analysis was performed using a mixed analysis of covariance, content validity index, and inter-branch correlation coefficient. To evaluate the normality of the distribution of variables, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used, and to answer the research hypotheses, the analysis of covariance analysis (ANCOVA) by mixed-method (Split Plot) and Wilks' Lambda statistical characteristic test was used. Findings show that the scores of the subjects' tourism texts in the experimental group in the post-test and delayed post-test showed a significant increase compared to the scores of the control group. The results also showed that the educational content of the Storyline software is in line with Mayer's principles. For future research, the multimedia content produced in this research can have many applications and practical solutions for researchers in the field of content production, virtual education simultaneously and asynchronously, testing, and educational planning.
Keywords: interactive software, multimedia, storyline software, electronic content.
1. Introduction To achieve the purpose of this research, which is to evaluate the effect of multimedia interactive software on learning Persian cultural tourism texts, Non-Persian language learners, the authors pay special attention to Mayer (2001)'s approach in designing and compiling multimedia content through the software.
2. Theoretical foundations of Mayer (2001) Based on his research on the design and construction of multimedia, he has proposed seven principles for the production of educational multimedia, which are: 1. Multimedia Principle – People learn better from words and pictures than from words alone. 2. Coherence Principle – People learn better when extraneous words, pictures and sounds are excluded rather than included. 3. Contiguity Principle – People learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented near rather than far from each other on the page or screen simultaneously. 4. Segmenting Principle – People learn better from a multimedia lesson is presented in learner controlled segments rather than as a continuous unit. 5. Pre-training Principle – People learn better from a multimedia lesson. 6. Modality Principle – 7. Personalization Principle –
3. Data Collection Method The research method is quasi-experimental. The statistical sample in this study consisted of 30 Iraqi upper-intermediate students between the ages of 23 and 50 who were studying in the Persian language teaching center of Mazandaran University in the academic year 1401-1400. Using the available sampling method, Persian students was divided into two groups of 15 people in the experimental group and 15 people in the control group in the form of two classrooms. The experimental group underwent a training session of 8 minutes each session for 75 minutes through the interactive software. The main research tools were pre-test and post-test. A pre-test was performed in both groups. The method of administration was that the experimental group was trained in the interactive storyline software and the control group was trained with the updated electronic content.
4. Data Analysis In the present study, 30 Iraqi students in two groups, including 15 in the experimental group and 15 in the control group, in terms of the effect of using the electronic content of storyline software on the rate of learning cultural tourism texts, in three stages of the test. (Pre-test, post-test, and delayed post-test) were compared. Also, the alpha level (α = 0.05) is considered as the acceptable error value for significance and to check the normality of the distribution of variables from the Shapiro-Wilk test, and to answer the first hypothesis of the research from the Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) test by mixed-method (Split Plot) and Wilks' Lambda statistical characteristic test to answer the second hypothesis of the content validity index (CVI) Content Validity Index and correlation coefficient between branches Inter-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was used. Comparison of post-test of experimental and control groups with independent t-test showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the performance of experimental and control groups. The average scores in the control and experimental groups are 9.73 and 13, respectively, which shows that training through multimedia software in the experimental group is superior to the control group. And the performance of Persian students who were trained through storyline multimedia software compared to the control group in the post-delayed test was significantly improved and gave a better response than the control group. To test the second hypothesis of the research that the educational content of the storyline software is in line with Mayer's weekly principles, a written interview was conducted with users. Interview questions were designed in the form of 10 three-choice questions and back-answer questions and were given to the control and experimental groups. A written interview was conducted to assess the relevance of the scientific-educational content of the storyline software to Mayer's principles, content validity index (CVI), and inter-branch correlation coefficient (ICC). 5. Discussion and Conclusion The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of learning, reading texts to upper-intermediate Persian learners through storyline software. For this purpose, 30 language learners in two groups of control and experiment were studied. Based on this, the research hypothesis was stated that there is a significant difference between language learners who learn through software and language learners who learn through PDF files or lecture methods. These findings are based on the results of studies such as Tajeddin & Nemati (2012), Vakilifard et al. (2012), Saeedi & Sharafinezhad (2013), Mirzaeian (2014) Rao, Dowrick, & Yuen (2009), who have emphasized the effect of multimedia learning about learning, and it is in line with the hypothesis of this study that the emphasis is on the effect of software teaching by Researcher-made multimedia software for learning Persian to Non-Iranian learners. To test the second hypothesis that the scientific-educational content of Storyline software is compatible with Meyer's seven principles, the content validity index (CVI) and the inter-branch correlation coefficient (ICC) were performed by written interview of five experts. Based on this, the research hypothesis was put forward that the educational content of the storyline software is by Mayer's principles. These findings are consistent with the results of Avazzadeh ( 2005) and are in line with the hypothesis of this study that is based on the objectives of the course, multimedia content that is by the standards of Meyer principles, confirm the effectiveness of software on learning. It has a significant effect on increasing the motivation and attention of learners to educational materials. In short, by using the appropriate model of the electronic content design with multimedia educational software, the teaching-learning process can be made more useful and effective.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Electronic Content. Interactive Software
  • Multimedia. Storyline
  • Mayer's Theory