Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. in Arabic Language and Literature, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamadan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Arabic Language and Literature University of Bu-Ali- Sina ,Faculty of Humanities, Department of Arabic Language and Literature,Hamedan, Iran


The present study is classified in the field of cognitive linguistics studies. Cognitive linguistics is an approach to the study of language that investigates the relationship between language, the human mind, and human experience. In this study, we used cognitive metaphor, which is the advantage of cognitive studies, as an effective tool for linguistic data that contain fear. In cognitive metaphors, a part of the properties of a physical concept corresponds to a part of the properties of a more abstract concept, and thus provides the conditions for its understanding and expression. This study is important because it identifies a systematic system of broad and seemingly scattered expressions containing the concept of fear, and an attempt has been made to describe the discipline within expressions, in the form of cognitively related structures. In this study, our goal is to answer the following questions by cognitively examining the concept of fear:

What are the most common source domain for understanding and expressing the concept of fear in Persian and Arabic languages?
What are the Ressemblance and differences in the structure of the concept of fear between these two languages?
What prototype and non- prototype patterns does the cognitive approach explain for the mentioned languages?


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