Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Social Determinants of Health Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Shahid Beheshti Campus, Golestan University, Shahid Beheshti St, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran


New applied games and social robots in today's language education have resulted in robot-games (Robo-Games)-aided language learning. To be precise, social robot's augmented reality combines the real world with technology to add a layer of digital over the physical, allowing students to visualize the materials in the scenes of real world. One of the major perks of Social Robot augmented reality-aided learning modules is being able to practice materials in an environment like the real-world setting through the medium of simulation. Social Robot augmented reality affords students the opportunity to practice reading comprehension in a supportive context, where the quality of collaborative practice has been indicated to be beneficial. This may make more sense to expose students early to reading materials regarding their future life. According to the socio-cultural theory of cognitive development, Community of Practice is now the place where students with the high and low level of foreign language proficiency, in tandem with students from different nations come to apply the cued scenes of the augmented reality and learn by teaching social robots. This way, the focus of the study was to do educational didactics in the Community of Practices of Middle Eastern Youths for doing foreign using social robot's augmented realities in the Community of Practices.


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