نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی تهران

2 استادیار زبانشناسی، دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی، تهران، ایران

3 استادیار گروه زبانشناسی دانشگاه علامه طباطبائی


پژوهش حاضر به بررسی چگونگی رخداد فرایند مجاز در صورت‌های خطاب زبان فارسی پرداخته است که ابزاری اجتماعی‌زبانی برای ارجاع به مخاطب به شمار می‌روند. هدف از این پژوهش، تشخیص انواع روابط معنایی حاکم بر صورت‌های مختلف خطاب در زبان فارسی بود که تحت عنوان فرایند مجاز شناخته می‌شوند. برای این منظور، ۵۰۰ جملة دارای صورت خطاب که احتمال وجود فرایند مجاز در آن‌ها می‌رفت، از پیکره‌های دادگان، پیکرة کتابخانة دیجیتال فارسی، پیکرة متنی زبان فارسی و پیکرة موجودیت نام‌دار و واحدهای اسمی آرمان گردآوری شد؛ در ادامه با تحلیل رابطة معنایی موجود در آن‌ها، اعم از نوع علاقه‌ها یا کاهش معنایی، داده‌های هر پیکره به‌گونه‌ای جداگانه طبقه بندی شد و بسامد و تنوع صورت‌های خطاب در تقابل با روابط معنایی به نمایش درآمد. در نهایت، این پژوهش ضمن تصدیق وجود فرایند مجاز در صورت‌های خطابی زبان فارسی، دسته‌بندی گویا و جامعی از این ابزارهای زبانی مهم ارائه کرد که علاوه بر توجه به دو کارکرد ارجاعی و غیرارجاعی، به معرفی زیرشمول‌هایی از صورت‌‌های خطاب ارجاعی انجامید. به‌علاوه، دسته‌بندی‌های جدیدی از صورت‌های خطاب اعم از ’خطاب‌های عاطفی‘ و ’خطاب‌های متضاد‘ معرفی شد. نتایج این پژوهش حاکی از آن است صورت‌های خطاب می‌توانند دارای روابط معنایی متعددی باشند که تحت عنوان ’فرایند مجاز‘ شناخته می‌شود. در واقع انواع گوناگون مجاز می‌تواند منجر به تفکیک صورت‌های ارجاعی خطاب شود و این امر می‌تواند زمینه‌ای را برای بررسی کاربرد صورت‌های خطاب در جامعه‌شناسی زبان و بازنگری اسلوب‌های خطاب در مباحث ادب‌‌پژوهی فراهم کند.


عنوان مقاله [English]

Metonymy in Terms of Address in Persian Language

نویسندگان [English]

  • Pouriya Mohammadi Payvand 1
  • Behzad Rahbar 2
  • Raheleh Gandomkar 3

1 Allameh Tabataba'i University, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Department of Linguistics

2 Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Persian Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, Allameh Tabataba'i University

چکیده [English]

Extended Abstract

Metonymy in Terms of Address in Persian Language
Pouriya Mohammadi Payvand
Behzad Rahbar (corresponding Author)
Raheleh Gandomkar

1. Introduction
Terms of address are powerful language tools that are used to refer to the audience in verbal actions with the influence of cultural and social factors. So far, several structural and content categories of forms of address have been introduced by linguists and literary scholars, which can be checked based on the type of audience, situational context or semantic relations. Address terms created through metaphors have attracted the attention of numerous linguists. What is certain is that most of the conducted researches emphasize the social and cultural role of terms of address. these terms are also influenced by factors such as gender, age, culture, religion, geography, situational context, emotional states, education and social status of the parties. According to Brown and Levinson (1960), forms of address are considered a kind of emotional capital, the use of which in verbal events has an impact on placing the parties in a more secure position, and can be referred to as a tool for "face maintaince".
On the other hand, by redefining metonymy in linguistics, attention was also paid to the permissible process in automatic language, and according to Safavi (2001), metonymy is considered a semantic process in automatic language that is involved in the constant changes of the concepts of this language.
In the few researches that have been done in the framework of linguistics about the terms of address in Persian language, different categories have been introduced for this linguistic mechanism, which can be evaluated depending on the structure, content, type of linguistic context and the type of audience; However, it seems that the most comprehensive classification of terrms of address in Persian belongs to Ahmadkhani (2014).
The current research is based on the assumption that extensive semantic relations govern the formation or selection of terms of address, which can be examined under the title of metonymy process.
2. Materials and methods
The current research is considered a qualitative research whose data has been collected in a library manner. For this purpose, 500 data have been collected from several corpora of Persian language (“Dadegan” website of Academy of Persian Language and Literature, “Dadegan research database” of Secretariat of Supreme Council of ICT, corpus of named entities and corpus of nominal units of Arman, corpus of Persian digital library and text corpus of Persian language). These sentences have been analyzed with the aim of classifying and extracting terms of address and identifying the metonymy process in them. The reason for choosing these corpora is the use of different forms of standard Persian language and the appropriate number of sentences with terms of address.
3. Results and discussion
So far, different categories of forms of address in Persian have been mentioned, each of which can be analyzed based on the structure or type of audience. The prevalence of semantic theories and reflection on the permissible has caused the author of this research to consider the relationship between the structure of some terms of address and the metonymy process.
Based on the classification mentioned in this research, Persian language addresses are divided into direct addresses (including descriptive address, job-oriented address, religious address, sincere address, Official addresses, etc), zero addresses, contradictory addresses, taboo avoidance strategies and metaphorical addresses. In addition, new categories of terms of address were mentioned, which include 'opposite terms of address' and 'emotional or emotional terms of address'.
Based on research data, descriptive addresses were the most frequent with 28.2% (141 sentences) and metaphorical addresses were the second most frequent with 23.6% (118 sentences). Official addresses for the lowest occurrence of 0.4% (2 sentences).
The relationship between “adjective and described” with 26.2% of occurrences had the highest frequency among ironic semantic relationships, and the relationship “what has been and what will be” was the least semantic relationship with only 0.6%.
4. Conclusion
In general, Persian terms of address can be used for referential purposes or non-referential (discourse) purposes. If we consider terms of emotional address and zero addresses as a separate category, just like discourse addresses, we can divide other addresses into metonymical and non-metonymical sub-branches. The category of metonymical addresses, which also includes metaphorical addresses, includes reverse addresses, contradictory addresses, and addresses with taboo avoidance strategies; This category can also be assigned to those direct addresses that have metonymy process. Another category, which is called non-metonymical addresses, includes only direct addresses.

Keywords: Decreasing, Literature, Metaphor, Metonymy, Sociolinguistics, Terms of Address,

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Decreasing
  • Metaphor
  • Metonymy
  • Terms of Address