Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. Candidate of Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Esfehan UniversityAssociate Professor, Department of linguistics, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


The present article investigates the predicational copular constructions in Persian from the perspective of the minimalist program. In this study, we examine the structure of copular clauses based on two fundamental viewpoints: the analysis of copular clauses as symmetrical small clauses and the analysis of copular clauses as asymmetric small clauses. Linguists who support the asymmetric structure argue for the existence of a functional head in copular constructions, where the subject asymmetrically c-commands the predicate. Conversely, in the symmetrical analysis, it is believed that the subject and predicate of the copular small clause are merged as two maximal projections, and then one of them moves to the specifier position of the tense phrase. the syntactic labeling of the copular small clause selects the label of the syntactic object that remained in situ. This article demonstrates the inadequacy of the asymmetrical structure and presents evidence, based on Chomsky's (2013, 2015) labeling algorithm, that predicational copular clauses in Persian exhibit symmetrical structures. Moreover, the presence of a null functional head in Persian copular constructions disregards the principle of linguistic economy.


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