Document Type : Research


1 PhD Student, Arabic Language and Literature Department, Tarbiyat modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Tarbiat Modares University

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, Tarbiyat modares University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Arabic Language and Literature Department, Tarbiyat modares University, Tehran, Iran


Research suggests that most of the students who learn Arabic in Iran have problems in applying the writing skills of Arabic language. In teaching a second language, it can be said that language-learning is nothing but recognizing the differing parameters of the two languages. Therefore, the mother tongue plays a key role in the process of learning a second/foreign language. This study aims to evaluate the effect of a writing model on the writing skills of the undergraduate students in the field of Arabic language and literature. This model has been designed based on the typology of Arabic and Persian grammars. The end goal of the project is to use the results of the typology of Arabic and Persian to facilitate and speed up the process of learning Arabic writing skills. The results showed the effectiveness of the mentioned model. This effect was higher in specific components with the obtained value of 76.7% than in different components with the value of 48.3%. As for the common components, with the obtained value of 4.6%, and based on covariance analysis, the mentioned teaching method was not effective in improving the students' progress in understanding and applying this component. Moreover, in the analysis of the data related to the knowledge performance and the skill performance of the language learners in the mentioned components, it was found that the mentioned teaching method was effective in improving the knowledge and skill performance of Arabic writing in the undergraduate students of Arabic Language and Literature .


Main Subjects