نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه اصفهان

2 استادیار گزوه آموزش زبان انگلیسی

3 دانشیار آموزش زبان انگلیسی دانشکده زبان های خارجه دانشگاه اصفهان


در این مقاله، ابتدا برخی دسته‌ بندی‌های پژوهشگران از معانی غیرمعرفتی توانستن، شدن و بایستن به‌ صورت مختصر بررسی شدند و مشاهده گردید بیشتر آن­ها که از چارچوب پالمر پیروی‌کرده‌اند، معیارهای آشکاری برای تفکیک و طبقه‌ بندی معانی غیرمعرفتی این فعل‌ها ارائه ‌نکرده‌اند و با به­ کارگیری رویکردی کمابیش معنایی-نحوی، بیشتر به توصیف و ارائة نمونه برای نشان‌دادن معانی و توجیه دسته‌ بندی خود روی‌ آورده‌اند. پژوهش­ های محدودی هم که از چارچوب پالمر فاصله‌ گرفته‌اند و کاربردشناسی را هم  به صورت همزمان در نظر داشته‌اند، معیارهای معینی را برای تفکیک و دسته‌ بندی معانی غیرمعرفتی افعال ‌ارائه‌ نکرده‌اند. با آگاهی از محدودیت‌های پژوهش ­های پیشین، الگوی معناشناختی-کاربردشناختی دپراتره (Depraetere, 2014)که متشکل از سه لایه‌ (دو لایة معنایی و یک لایة کاربردی) است، معرفی‌ شده و بر اساس آن معانی این افعال تفکیک و دسته‌ بندی گردیدند. برتری اصلی این الگو آن است که، برخلاف دیگر الگوها، معیارهای آشکاری را برای استخراج معنای وابسته ‌به ‌بافتِ افعال وجهی، ارائه ‌می‌دهد. با اعمال این الگو مشخص‌ گردید که می‌توان از ساز و کارهای آن برای شناسایی، تفکیک و دسته‌بندی معانی غیرمعرفتی افعال وجهی فارسی استفاده‌ کرد.


عنوان مقاله [English]

an explicit classification of non-epistemic senses of tavan, shodan and bayestan based on Depraetere’s semantic-pragmatic model

نویسندگان [English]

  • Gholamreza Medadian 1
  • Daryoosh Nejadansari Mahabadi 2
  • Hosin Barati 3

1 PhD student at the University of Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Foreign languages

3 Associate Professor of English Language School, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Isfahan

چکیده [English]

In this paper we first briefly investigated some Persian scholars’ classifications of non-epistemic (or root) senses of central Persian modal auxiliaries tavanestan, shodan, and bayestan, which roughly correspond to English can/may/might, can/may/might, and must/should,  respectively.The findings showed that most of them, which mainly follow Palmer’s semantic-syntactic framework, have not proposed any explicit and operationalizable criteria for analysis and classification of various senses of these polyfunctional modals and have mainly identified and described their various senses through researcher-made examples (e.g. Akhlaghi, 2006; Taleghani, 2008). Their approach was found to be mainly semantic-syntactic like that of Palmer and his followers. Even, the studies which are done beyond Palmer’s framework and have integrated pragmatics into their approach have not offered any explicit criteria for the classification of Persian modals (Rahimian, 2008; Rahimian and Amouzadeh, 2012; Amouzadeh and Rezaee, 2009), although their works have shed considerable light on the various senses that these modals can convey. Being aware of the limitations of the previous works, we introduced Depraetere’s (2014) semantic-pragmatic model which is composed of three distinct layers (two semantic and one pragmatic) and classified the non-epistemic senses of Persian modals accordingly. Her two obligatory semantic layers are context-dependent and context-independent layers, while pragmatic layer is optional and mainly appears in the conventionalized uses of the modal auxiliary verbs in colloquial language. The context-independent meaning is either possibility or necessity. The context-dependent meaning, on the other hand, is determined by three parameters (i.e., scope of modality, source of modality, and potential barrier). It is through these parameters that one can explicitly determine the context-dependent meaning of a modal auxiliary. Depraetere tries to reconcile semantics and pragmatics in an integrated framework to account for various senses of modals. She offers explicit criteria and puts an end to the different opinions regarding non-epistemic senses of modal auxiliaries. Upon application, Depraetere’s model proved to be very efficient for a more systematic and intersubjective classification of non-epistemic senses of Persian modals. In our analysis of some examples taken from Persian websites, we found that bayestan can express narrow-scope internal necessity, wide-scope internal necessity and wide-scope external necessity, like English must. Like English auxiliaries can, may and might, the auxiliary tavanestan can express five senses in Persian, that is, ability (narrow-scope, internal, and  [- potential barrier] possibility), permission (narrow-scope external, and [+ potential barrier] possibility), opportunity (narrow scope, external, and [- potential barrier] possibility), situation permissibility (wide-scope, external and [+ potential barrier] possibility) and situation possibility (wide-scope, external, and [- potential barrier] possibility). Shodan which is typically employed in colloquial Persian can only express permission, and situation permissibility and does not have the capacity to express ability and opportunity senses. Due to the unclear status of khah, like English will, its investigation needs an individual investigation. 

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Non-epistemic modality
  • Context-dependent meaning
  • Context-independent meaning
  • Pragmatic layer
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