• Accent The Acoustical Study of Lexical Stress in Persian [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 97-124]

  • Aorist The Survivors of the Old Aorist Stems in the New Persian [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 177-198]

  • Avesta The Survivors of the Old Aorist Stems in the New Persian [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 177-198]


  • Critical discourse analysis (CDA) Presence and Absence of Verb in Iranian Newspaper Headlines: A Critical Discourse Analytic Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-19]


  • Discursive structures Presence and Absence of Verb in Iranian Newspaper Headlines: A Critical Discourse Analytic Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-19]


  • Generative Phonology Two Rule-based Explanations for Rule-governed Behavior of “take” –/Jetæn/- Verbs in Shahmirzadi Variety [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 37-59]


  • Halliday A Study of Naming the Holy Defense Themes in Qeysar Aminpour’s Poetry: Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Theory [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 201-225]

  • Holy Defense Poetry A Study of Naming the Holy Defense Themes in Qeysar Aminpour’s Poetry: Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Theory [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 201-225]


  • Indo-European The Survivors of the Old Aorist Stems in the New Persian [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 177-198]


  • Kermani variety On the Affix /-U/ in Kermani [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 73-96]

  • Keywords: 'ke' A Study of Learner Errors in the Translation of the Adverbial Function “ke” in Arabic [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 87-117]


  • MASDAR Controversy over MASDAR and its Category in Persian: Approaches and Solutions [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 163-175]

  • Morphology Introducing the Canonical Approach in Morphological Typology and its Exponent in Some Dialects and Languages of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 49-71]


  • New and Middle Persian The Survivors of the Old Aorist Stems in the New Persian [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 177-198]


  • Old Persian The Survivors of the Old Aorist Stems in the New Persian [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 177-198]

  • OO type relative clauses Levels of Complexity of OO and SO Type Relative Clauses in Preschool Persian Speaking Children [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 119-143]


  • Paradigm Introducing the Canonical Approach in Morphological Typology and its Exponent in Some Dialects and Languages of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 49-71]

  • Persian Levels of Complexity of OO and SO Type Relative Clauses in Preschool Persian Speaking Children [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 119-143]

  • Persian language A Case Study of a Korean Student’s [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 143-174]

  • Phase Theory Wh-constructions in Persian : A Minimalist Approach [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 199-221]

  • PRO Controversy over MASDAR and its Category in Persian: Approaches and Solutions [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 163-175]


  • Qeysar Aminpour A Study of Naming the Holy Defense Themes in Qeysar Aminpour’s Poetry: Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Theory [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 201-225]

  • Quran A Systemic Functional Approach to Chapter 36 (Yasin) in the Quran [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 7-35]


  • Reading A Case Study of a Korean Student’s [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 143-174]


  • SO type relative clauses Levels of Complexity of OO and SO Type Relative Clauses in Preschool Persian Speaking Children [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 119-143]

  • SPE Two Rule-based Explanations for Rule-governed Behavior of “take” –/Jetæn/- Verbs in Shahmirzadi Variety [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 37-59]


  • The Little Prince A Textual Criticism of the Translations of the Little Prince According to Textual Linguistics [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 175-201]