• Accuracy A comparative study of the efficacy of teacher and peer online written corrective feedback on ِِِEFL learners' writing ability [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 327-352]

  • Accuracy A Study on Reading Proficiency of First Grade Students at Turkish-Persian Bilingual and Persian Monolingual Regions [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 299-325]

  • Addition of rules Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Adults Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 265-297]

  • Adverbial clause A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LINGUISTIC UNITS ‘ADVERB’ IN ARABIC AND IN PERSIAN AND ENGLISH [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 77-101]


  • Al-Hayat newspaper Study of discourse-semantic structures in Arabia Alhayat newspaper with emphasis on Van Dijk schema [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 331-355]

  • Antonymy Syntactic Frameworks and Discourse Functions of Lexical Antonymy in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 149-177]

  • Arar Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Architecture Architecture in literature, Stupor & Tremor by Amélie Nothomb [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 357-376]

  • Argot Semantic relations in the argot language of youth [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 281-309]


  • Baker`s translation strategies Translation of slang in "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid" and "The Brilliant World of Tom Gates" Novels. [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 161-182]


  • Chista Yasrebi Checking time justifiability pattern in "wedding photo" play [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 7-27]

  • Conjoined Multiple WH-questions Conjoined Multiple WH-Questions in Persian: Typo-syntactic analysis [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 159-177]

  • Constraction grammar Lexicography of the Verb and Cognitive Linguistics: A case study of Afshandan [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 179-208]

  • Constraint The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 233-264]

  • Constructional polysemy A constructional study of the compounds of body part “Sar” (head) in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 129-159]

  • Constructional Schema A constructional study of the compounds of body part “Sar” (head) in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 129-159]

  • Construction Morphology A constructional study of the compounds of body part “Sar” (head) in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 129-159]

  • Coordination Conjoined Multiple WH-Questions in Persian: Typo-syntactic analysis [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 159-177]

  • Copula The Distribution of Wh-word in Single Wh-Questions in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 129-150]

  • Corpus linguistics Syntactic Frameworks and Discourse Functions of Lexical Antonymy in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 149-177]

  • Correspondence theory The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 233-264]

  • Cyclic linearization approach Movement in Syntactic Edges and Cyclic Linearization Approache : Evidence from Scrambling in Kalhuri Kurdish [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 209-229]


  • Dependent case A Syntactic Analysis of Ergative Case Marking in some Iranian Languages: A minimalist View [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Diaries of a Wimpy Kid Translation of slang in "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid" and "The Brilliant World of Tom Gates" Novels. [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 161-182]

  • Discourse A Semiotic Discourse Analysis of Surat Al-Naba’ Via Stress Patterns [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 119-148]

  • Discourse analysis The structure and discourse analysis of acknowledgments in Persian M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-127]

  • Discourse analysis Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 183-209]

  • Discourse Historical Approach The Representation of Self and Other in Persian Novels: Tangsir, Savushun and The Neighbors [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 21-47]


  • EFL The effect of Strategy-Based Instruction on EFL writing performance and Self-Regulated Learning [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 23-45]

  • Ergative-absolutive construction Passivization in Taleshi dialect (of Sehsar) [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 311-330]

  • Ergative case A Syntactic Analysis of Ergative Case Marking in some Iranian Languages: A minimalist View [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Esfahani accent Rule Inversion in Persian: The Optional Change of /e/ to [a] in The Standard and Esfahani Accents [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 201-221]


  • F0 Prosodic analysis of Ezafe construction in the framework of prosodic phonology [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 109-128]

  • Fall Architecture in literature, Stupor & Tremor by Amélie Nothomb [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 357-376]

  • Frame semantics A Cross-Linguistic Study of Near Synonymy of Visual Verbs in Persian, English, German and French Based on Frame Semantics [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 227-262]


  • Gender The study on power and certainty in the language of Kurdish speakers based on Lakoff's Dominance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 103-126]

  • Gerardgenette Checking time justifiability pattern in "wedding photo" play [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 7-27]


  • Hyland model The structure and discourse analysis of acknowledgments in Persian M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 105-127]


  • Inherent case A Syntactic Analysis of Ergative Case Marking in some Iranian Languages: A minimalist View [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Iranian languages Relative Chronology of Sound changes in Iranian languages [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 63-81]


  • Kalhuri Kurdish Movement in Syntactic Edges and Cyclic Linearization Approache : Evidence from Scrambling in Kalhuri Kurdish [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 209-229]

  • Key words: Markedness Markedness in oral production and repetition of Persian Aphasias: A study on Optimality theory [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 247-273]

  • Keywords: semantic element Comparison of motion verbs in Persian and English languages (A cognitive and typological approach) [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 223-246]

  • Keywords: : Surat al-Naba’ A Semiotic Discourse Analysis of Surat Al-Naba’ Via Stress Patterns [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 119-148]


  • Laki An analysis of Lak Students' Language Transfer in Learning and Using Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 99-117]

  • Lakoff The study on power and certainty in the language of Kurdish speakers based on Lakoff's Dominance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 103-126]

  • Language transfer An analysis of Lak Students' Language Transfer in Learning and Using Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 99-117]

  • Levinsohn’s model An Investigation of the Hortatory Texts in Persian Medical Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 127-158]

  • Lexical harmony Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Loan Words from Turkic and Mongolian in Persian The Relationship between Turkic and Mongolian and Errors in Detection of Turkic and Mongolian Loan Words in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 7-20]


  • Markedness Principle A Cross-Linguistic Study of Near Synonymy of Visual Verbs in Persian, English, German and French Based on Frame Semantics [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 227-262]

  • MA Students Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 265-297]

  • Mongolian The Relationship between Turkic and Mongolian and Errors in Detection of Turkic and Mongolian Loan Words in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 7-20]

  • Motion event Evaluation of telling narrative between children and adults based on Talmy’s motion event [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 59-76]


  • Nahj al-Balagh Exploring conceptual metaphors and visual schemas Place envelope " Fogh" In Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 49-76]

  • Narrative Evaluation of telling narrative between children and adults based on Talmy’s motion event [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 59-76]

  • Narrative Checking time justifiability pattern in "wedding photo" play [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 7-27]

  • Narrative discourse Development of causal coherence in the narrative discourse of monolingual Persian-speaking children [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 151-175]

  • Narrator Architecture in literature, Stupor & Tremor by Amélie Nothomb [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 357-376]

  • Near Synonymy A Cross-Linguistic Study of Near Synonymy of Visual Verbs in Persian, English, German and French Based on Frame Semantics [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 227-262]

  • Network of Semantic Relationships Semantic relations in the argot language of youth [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 281-309]

  • News Channels Ideological Investigation of Interpretation of Iranian president’s Speech in the UN: English Interpretation of Presstv Channel of Iran and France 24 of France [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 7-21]

  • Nomanitive-accusative construction Passivization in Taleshi dialect (of Sehsar) [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 311-330]

  • Novel The Representation of Self and Other in Persian Novels: Tangsir, Savushun and The Neighbors [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 21-47]


  • Online medical journals An Investigation of the Hortatory Texts in Persian Medical Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 127-158]

  • Optimality theory The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 233-264]


  • Partial prefixed reduplication The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 233-264]

  • Partridge Translation of slang in "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid" and "The Brilliant World of Tom Gates" Novels. [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 161-182]

  • Passivization؛ Active Passivization in Taleshi dialect (of Sehsar) [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 311-330]

  • Peak delay Prosodic analysis of Ezafe construction in the framework of prosodic phonology [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 109-128]

  • Pear Story Evaluation of telling narrative between children and adults based on Talmy’s motion event [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 59-76]

  • Perception Frame A Cross-Linguistic Study of Near Synonymy of Visual Verbs in Persian, English, German and French Based on Frame Semantics [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 227-262]

  • Persian Conjoined Multiple WH-Questions in Persian: Typo-syntactic analysis [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 159-177]

  • Persian general practitioners’ prescription books An Investigation of the Hortatory Texts in Persian Medical Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 127-158]

  • Persian lyrics Critical Analysis of LOVE Metaphor in Persian Lyrics: a Corpus-Based Approach [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 73-98]

  • Phonetic harmony Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Placement Test Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 265-297]

  • Play Checking time justifiability pattern in "wedding photo" play [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 7-27]

  • Prepositional phrase A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LINGUISTIC UNITS ‘ADVERB’ IN ARABIC AND IN PERSIAN AND ENGLISH [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 77-101]

  • Process-based Approach Study of Writing Instruction in Reading and Writing Textbooks of Primary School Based on the Process Approach and the Intended Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 27-48]

  • Prosodic phonology Prosodic analysis of Ezafe construction in the framework of prosodic phonology [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 109-128]


  • Reading comprehension Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 265-297]

  • Reading comprehension A Study on Reading Proficiency of First Grade Students at Turkish-Persian Bilingual and Persian Monolingual Regions [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 299-325]

  • Relationship between Turkic and Mongolian The Relationship between Turkic and Mongolian and Errors in Detection of Turkic and Mongolian Loan Words in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 7-20]

  • Rumi The Other and its Role in Rumi’s Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 253-279]


  • Scheduling Checking time justifiability pattern in "wedding photo" play [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 7-27]

  • Scrambling Movement in Syntactic Edges and Cyclic Linearization Approache : Evidence from Scrambling in Kalhuri Kurdish [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 209-229]

  • Self-contained Motion Evaluation of telling narrative between children and adults based on Talmy’s motion event [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 59-76]

  • Self/Other The Representation of Self and Other in Persian Novels: Tangsir, Savushun and The Neighbors [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 21-47]

  • Self-regulated Learning The effect of Strategy-Based Instruction on EFL writing performance and Self-Regulated Learning [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 23-45]

  • Semantic Structure Semantic relations in the argot language of youth [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 281-309]

  • Semiotics The Other and its Role in Rumi’s Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 253-279]

  • Short story Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 183-209]

  • Simultaneous Interpretation Ideological Investigation of Interpretation of Iranian president’s Speech in the UN: English Interpretation of Presstv Channel of Iran and France 24 of France [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 7-21]

  • Situational context Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 183-209]

  • Slang Translation of slang in "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid" and "The Brilliant World of Tom Gates" Novels. [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 161-182]

  • Slang Semantic relations in the argot language of youth [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 281-309]

  • Sokhan Comprehensive Dictionary Semantic Relations in Definitions in Monolingual Dictionaries [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 177-200]

  • Sorani dialect The study on power and certainty in the language of Kurdish speakers based on Lakoff's Dominance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 103-126]

  • Space Architecture in literature, Stupor & Tremor by Amélie Nothomb [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 357-376]

  • Split alignment A Syntactic Analysis of Ergative Case Marking in some Iranian Languages: A minimalist View [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Strategy-based instruction The effect of Strategy-Based Instruction on EFL writing performance and Self-Regulated Learning [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 23-45]

  • Structural case A Syntactic Analysis of Ergative Case Marking in some Iranian Languages: A minimalist View [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Supermodel Exploring conceptual metaphors and visual schemas Place envelope " Fogh" In Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 49-76]

  • Syntactic edges approach Movement in Syntactic Edges and Cyclic Linearization Approache : Evidence from Scrambling in Kalhuri Kurdish [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 209-229]

  • Syntactic Framework Syntactic Frameworks and Discourse Functions of Lexical Antonymy in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 149-177]


  • Tableau The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 233-264]

  • Taleshi Dialect Passivization in Taleshi dialect (of Sehsar) [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 311-330]

  • Teaching writing skills Study of Writing Instruction in Reading and Writing Textbooks of Primary School Based on the Process Approach and the Intended Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 27-48]

  • Test development Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 265-297]

  • Text context Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 183-209]

  • The Brilliant World of Tom Gates Translation of slang in "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid" and "The Brilliant World of Tom Gates" Novels. [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 161-182]

  • The other The Other and its Role in Rumi’s Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 253-279]

  • Tower؛ Hierarchy Architecture in literature, Stupor & Tremor by Amélie Nothomb [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 357-376]

  • Translational Motion Evaluation of telling narrative between children and adults based on Talmy’s motion event [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 59-76]

  • Turkic The Relationship between Turkic and Mongolian and Errors in Detection of Turkic and Mongolian Loan Words in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 7-20]


  • Van Dijk Study of discourse-semantic structures in Arabia Alhayat newspaper with emphasis on Van Dijk schema [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 331-355]

  • Visual schemas Exploring conceptual metaphors and visual schemas Place envelope " Fogh" In Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 49-76]


  • Writing A comparative study of the efficacy of teacher and peer online written corrective feedback on ِِِEFL learners' writing ability [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 327-352]

  • Writing Performance The effect of Strategy-Based Instruction on EFL writing performance and Self-Regulated Learning [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 23-45]


  • Xenon Ayub Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2019, Pages 183-209]