• Al-Arabiya Studying Iranophobia's Language Strategies in Al Arabiya News Agency Based on the Entman Framework Theory and VanDyk's Ideological Squares [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 65-95]

  • Aʹ-movement The study of Persian Clitic Left Dislocation construction in the Minimalist Program [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 39-64]

  • Arash Kamangir The quality of representation of discourse actors in Arash Kamangir's poetry based on Van Leeuwen's model (1996) [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 197-226]


  • Beliefs Exploring the Effect of Demographic Variables on Non-Iranian Persian Learners' Learning Beliefs [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 9-37]

  • Bilingual Investigating the borrowing of prepositions and pronouns in Kalhori Kurdish in Kurdish-Farsi bilinguals [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 227-255]

  • Bilingualism A Comparison of Language Development in Persian and Persian-Turkish Children Using PDSS as a Morpho-Syntactic Index [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 223-248]

  • Borrowing Investigating the borrowing of prepositions and pronouns in Kalhori Kurdish in Kurdish-Farsi bilinguals [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 227-255]


  • Children with High Functioning Autism Disorder The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]

  • Clitic Left Dislocation The study of Persian Clitic Left Dislocation construction in the Minimalist Program [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 39-64]

  • Construction Morphology A Semantic Analysis of Compound Verbs with kærdæn light verb based on Construction Morphology Theory [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 97-129]

  • Cultuling Examining the Cultuling of Iranians' Concerns for Others: From Apathy to Metapathy [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 41-75]


  • Developmental Sentence Scoring A Comparison of Language Development in Persian and Persian-Turkish Children Using PDSS as a Morpho-Syntactic Index [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 223-248]

  • Discourse Monitoring A Pragmatic Analysis of the Process of Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpretation [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 167-195]


  • Ecolinguistics The Mechanisms of the Representation of Ecology in Folk Poems of Mamasani Variety of Lori: A Discursive - Cognitive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 131-160]

  • Explicitation A Pragmatic Analysis of the Process of Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpretation [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 167-195]


  • Gender A Gender-and Age-based Study of “Taboo Words” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 77-103]

  • Golestan Saadi An inquiry into Meaning Extension of Persian Taste Terms in Golestan Saadi:A Cognitive- Semantic Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 189-221]


  • Kalhori Kurdish Investigating the borrowing of prepositions and pronouns in Kalhori Kurdish in Kurdish-Farsi bilinguals [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 227-255]


  • Language learning Exploring the Effect of Demographic Variables on Non-Iranian Persian Learners' Learning Beliefs [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 9-37]


  • Mamasani variety of Lori The Mechanisms of the Representation of Ecology in Folk Poems of Mamasani Variety of Lori: A Discursive - Cognitive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 131-160]

  • Middle Persian Zoroastrian Impersonal Modal Verbs in Middle Persian Zoroastrian [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 139-165]

  • Modality Impersonal Modal Verbs in Middle Persian Zoroastrian [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 139-165]


  • Narrative The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]

  • Number-Person features The contribution of Planum Temporale in Number-Person features processing in bilinguals: An fMRI study [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 285-318]


  • Persian language The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]

  • Persian language An overview of prosodic transcription systems: a comparison of the "Tones and Break Indices: ToBI" and " Rhythm and Pitch: RaP" [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 257-284]

  • Persian language A Gender-and Age-based Study of “Taboo Words” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 77-103]

  • Persian scientific register Analysis of the text coherence model in Persian language of science and its representation in Persian language teaching texts with academic purpose: a corpus based approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 281-311]

  • Persian with academic purposes Analysis of the text coherence model in Persian language of science and its representation in Persian language teaching texts with academic purpose: a corpus based approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 281-311]

  • Planum Temporale The contribution of Planum Temporale in Number-Person features processing in bilinguals: An fMRI study [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 285-318]


  • RaP An overview of prosodic transcription systems: a comparison of the "Tones and Break Indices: ToBI" and " Rhythm and Pitch: RaP" [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 257-284]

  • Reading comprehension The role of memory in phonological and syntactic processing in the process of reading in normal and dyslexic Persian children [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 249-279]

  • Representation The Mechanisms of the Representation of Ecology in Folk Poems of Mamasani Variety of Lori: A Discursive - Cognitive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 131-160]


  • Simultaneous Interpretation A Pragmatic Analysis of the Process of Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpretation [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 167-195]

  • Sociolinguistics A Gender-and Age-based Study of “Taboo Words” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 77-103]

  • Space The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]


  • ToBI An overview of prosodic transcription systems: a comparison of the "Tones and Break Indices: ToBI" and " Rhythm and Pitch: RaP" [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 257-284]

  • Turkish-Persian balanced bilinguals The contribution of Planum Temporale in Number-Person features processing in bilinguals: An fMRI study [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 285-318]


  • Van Leeuwen The quality of representation of discourse actors in Arash Kamangir's poetry based on Van Leeuwen's model (1996) [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 197-226]