• Abadi, Fatemeh Conceptualization of the influence of Satan in guidance /misguidance system based on the category of motion in the Holy Quran: A Cognitive approach [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 257-285]

  • Abbassi, Azita Semantic Relations in Definitions in Monolingual Dictionaries [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 177-200]

  • Abbaszadeh, Farangis Examining Discoursal Patterns among Judges and Defendants in Criminal Courts [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 33-61]

  • Abdalizade, Maryam Acoustic Analysis of The Vowels [æ,i,o] in Kermanian Accent [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 7-27]

  • Abdi, Ali The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students' Classroom Engagement and Writing skills among Students of English as a Foreign Language [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 88-105]

  • Abdi, Nasrin Verb Tenses and Their Ideological Implications on Translated Texts Based on CDA [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 185-211]

  • Abdi, Nasrin Aspect and its Ideological Implications on Translated Texts Based on CDA [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 245-275]

  • Abdi, Salahadin Cognitive System of The Concept of Fear in Persian and Arabic Languages [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 187-212]

  • Abdoli, Bahman Persian Possessive Construction Left Dislocation based on Optimality Perspective [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 201-223]

  • Abdollahi, Atefeh Digital Citizenship Perceptions and Practices among Iranian EFL Learners: A Netnographic Inquiry [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 385-414]

  • Abolhasani, Vahideh Peak Delay in the Tonal Structure of Persian Clitics [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 51-69]

  • Abolhasani, Vahideh Comparison between Sadness and Happiness Conceptual Metaphors in the Songs of Parvin Etesami [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 179-202]

  • Abolhasani, Vahideh Investigating the Acoustic Features of Stress in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Comparing to Typical Development Children [(Articles in Press)]

  • Abolhasani chime, Vahide Acoustic Analysis of The Vowels [æ,i,o] in Kermanian Accent [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 7-27]

  • Abtahi, Seyed Mahdi The Effect of Vocabulary Knowledge and Background Knowledge on Reading Comprehension among Non Iranian Persian learners [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 195-217]

  • Abtahi, Seyyed Mehdi The Relationship between Metacognitive Strategies Awareness and Listening Comprehension of Non-Iranian Advanced Level Persian Language Learners [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 105-137]

  • Afkhami, Ali A Survey on Emerging Non-Spatial Senses From the Spatial Sense of "Dar" Based on LCCM Theory [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 27-48]

  • Afkhami, Ali Women in Two Governments: Discourse Analysis of Women Status Discourse Analysis of Women Status [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 135-165]

  • Afkhaminia, Mahdi The repetition process in Sarraute's dramatic works, the verbal language's dynamics or its stagnation? [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 237-256]

  • Afrashi, Azita A Study of a Variety of Elliptical and Marked Themes in English and Persian Physics Texts:Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar Perspective [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 167-204]

  • Afrashi, Azita Lexicalization as a Framework for Explaining Non-simple Verbs in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 31-57]

  • Afrashi, Azita Anger Metaphor in Language of the Blind from Birth: A comparative study with sighted counterparts [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 85-98]

  • Afrashi, Azita Words, Image Schemata and Individual Differences: A Survey Based on Bodily Communication [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 29-54]

  • Afrashi, Azita Semantic analysis of pish0 prefix in Persian Language: cognitive linguistics approach [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 137-166]

  • Afrashi, Azita Syntactic Frameworks and Discourse Functions of Lexical Antonymy in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 149-177]

  • Afrashi, Azita Feeling the emotion of Hate Conceptual Metonymies of the Emotional Concept of "Hate": Cognitive-Neuro-Biological Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 7-26]

  • Afrashi, Azita Conceptualization of the influence of Satan in guidance /misguidance system based on the category of motion in the Holy Quran: A Cognitive approach [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 257-285]

  • Afrouz, Mahmoud Assessing Equivalents Selected by Translators’ of ‘The Blind Owl’ Based on Componential Analysis and Semantic Load of the Words: Proposing a New Analytical Model Based on Data Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 9-37]

  • Afrouz, Mahmoud Towards Designing a Framework for Analyzing Linguistic Errors in the National-media News: Providing Solutions for Challenges [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 145-180]

  • Afshar, Mohammad Reza The Candidates' Inferring Problems of TOEFL Listening Module [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 267-295]

  • AghaEbrahimi, Niloofar The Representation of Self and Other in Persian Novels: Tangsir, Savushun and The Neighbors [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 21-47]

  • Agha gol zade, Ferdos Words, Image Schemata and Individual Differences: A Survey Based on Bodily Communication [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 29-54]

  • Aghagolzade, Ferdos Presence and Absence of Verb in Iranian Newspaper Headlines: A Critical Discourse Analytic Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-19]

  • Aghagolzade, Ferdows Syntactic Frameworks and Discourse Functions of Lexical Antonymy in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 149-177]

  • Aghagolzadeh, Ferdos The Argument Structure of deverbal nouns on the basis of Lexical Functional Grammar [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 109-129]

  • Aghagolzadeh, Ferdos The Role of Metaphor in Glorification and Marginalization pf Ideology in Local Newspapers [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 67-94]

  • Aghagolzadeh, Ferdows Description and analysis of ideological structures in family court discourse, divorce demanding women¸ based on Van Dijk (2006) [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 31-58]

  • Aghagolzadeh, Ferdows The Effect of Classroom Discourse-based Language Games on Children's Vocabulary Size [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 47-62]

  • Aghagolzadeh, Ferdows cultural conceptualization in Persian children's stories: a cognitive study [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 297-317]

  • Agha Golzadeh, Ferdows An Investigation on The Stylistics Characteristics of The Bank’s Facility Contracts [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 249-270]

  • Aghajanzadeh Kiasi, Mohammad The Role of Concordance Formats in Vocabulary Learning [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 257-281]

  • Ahadi, Hasan The study of the influence of metaphor use on bilinguals’ memory performance [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 51-68]

  • Ahadi, Hourieh The relationship between reading skills and syntactic and lexical abilities in dyslexic and normal Persian-speaking children [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 9-32]

  • Ahadi, Mahnaz Contrastive Analysis of Metonymy in Persian and French Journalistic Texts [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 7-23]

  • Ahangar, Abasali The Study of Some Vowel Forms of Persian in Kuhbanan and Khoramdasht Regions in Kerman Province [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 33-63]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali The Study of the Communicative Situation Effect on the Selection of Politeness Strategies in Birjandi High School Girls’ Conversations [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 7-41]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali The Effect of Social Variables on the Use of Linguistic Variables of Persian in Nehbandan: Syllable Structure, Morphological and Syntactic Elements [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 7-44]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali A Syntactico-semantic Study of Kurdish (Sorani dialect) Circumpositions Based on Nanosyntax [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 107-138]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali The Study of Inflectional Categories of Noun in Sarhaddi Balochi of Granchin [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 79-111]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali An Investigation of the Hortatory Texts in Persian Medical Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 127-158]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali Persian Deadjectival Nominals: An Exoskeletal Approach [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 7-34]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali The Role of Some Individual Differences in Metaphorical Comprehension of Time in Persian: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 213-243]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali Vocatives and Vocative Particles in the Syntax-pragmatics Interface in Persian [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 235-256]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali The Critical Discourse Analysis of Some Inclusion Components and the Representation of Social Actors in “Bijan and Manijeh” Story: A Sociological-Semantic Approach [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 185-212]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali A Critical Discourse Analysis of “Rostam and Esfandiyar” Story of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh Based on Van Dijk’s (2006) Ideological Square [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ahangar, Abbas Ali The Relationship between the Addressee’s Social Dominance and Request Strategies Usage by Iranian Teenage Students [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 149-186]

  • Ahangari, Saeideh The Representation of 'Britain' in BBC English Learning Website: Promoting Electronic Colonialism [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 47-79]

  • Ahangari, Saeideh The Relationships among Iranian EFL Learners’ Perfectionism, Anxiety and English Language Achievement: The Contribution of L2 Selves [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-183]

  • Ahanghar, Abas ali Perception of intonational contours in Persian Broca’s Aphasics [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 55-76]

  • Ahmadi, Aram The study of modality in the novel of "My Dear Husband" by Fariba Kalhor based on Fowler’s view [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 327-352]

  • Ahmadi, Tahere Providing a suitable method for allophonic labeling of speech corpuses according to the IPA system [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 185-212]

  • Ahmadian, Mehrshad Enhancing metacognitive awareness in listening and EFL motivation through L1-mediated metacognitive intervention [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 87-113]

  • Ahmadi bigash, Khadijeh Evaluation of good Quranic verses in some Persian translations Based on Carmen Grosss Model [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 27-46]

  • Ahmadi Safa, Mohammad Prospect II: A Textbook Evaluation Study based on EFL Teachers’ Perspective [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 7-32]

  • Ahmadiye ghader, Shahnaz Direct Teaching of Vocabulary in Context: the Comparison of Effect of Direct and Incidental Teaching in Learning Vocabulary [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 77-102]

  • Ahmadkhani, Mohammad reza Semantic relations in the argot language of youth [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 281-309]

  • Ahmadkhani, Mohammadreza An analysis of Lak Students' Language Transfer in Learning and Using Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 99-117]

  • Ahmadpour, Zahra An Investigation into the Effect of Content Representation and Gender on Learners' Short-Term Memory: A Study of Cell-Phone Assisted Vocabulary Learning [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-64]

  • Ajdadi, Mozhgan The study of semantic frames of external body part terms in Persian language [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 27-44]

  • Akbari, Leila Conceptual Metaphors of Corona in Surani Kurdish Language [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 9-33]

  • Akbari, Ramin Differences in Contribution of Lexical Processing Levels in L2 Noun and Verb Processing and their Implications in English Language Teaching [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 147-162]

  • Akbari Mani, Rezvan The effect of cochlear implantation on the acoustic features of Farsi vowels by hearing-impaired children [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 139-163]

  • Akbarizadeh, Masoud Investigating Quranic anger conceptual metaphors based on basic emotion and conceptual act theories [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 35-64]

  • Akhlaghi, Elham Introducing the Canonical Approach in Morphological Typology and its Exponent in Some Dialects and Languages of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 49-71]

  • Akhlaghi, Elham Evaluation of telling narrative between children and adults based on Talmy’s motion event [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 59-76]

  • Akramifard, Maryam Hermeneutic approach to the French translation of some mystical words of Mantiq al-Tair of Attar ( A Study of Omberto Eco) [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 283-309]

  • Alamdar, Abolfazl Creating Lexical Phrases within Construction Grammar and their Application in Persian Dictionaries [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 119-147]

  • Alavi, Farideh A Study of Cultural Oppositions in theFrench Translation of the Ta’aroff (Complimentary) Discourse of Mum’s Guest by HushangMoradiKermani [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 135-162]

  • Alavi Moghadam, Behnam The impact of gender on the type and frequency of using English vocabulary learning strategies among the students of Islamic Azad university District 5 [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 181-200]

  • Alayiaboozar, Elham Building a specialized comparable corpus: PARSA [(Articles in Press)]

  • Algooneh Juneghani, Masoud Phenomenological Analysis of Symbol in Alfred Schutz's Views [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 7-30]

  • Aliakbari, Mohammad Trends of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Research Articles between 1986 and 2015 [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 87-109]

  • Alinezhad, Batool An analysis of correlation between pitch models and their pragmatic functions in Persian [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 79-103]

  • Alinezhad, Batool A Comparative Analysis of Intonation on Interrogative Utterances in Isfahani and Tehrani Colloquial Varieties in RFC Model [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 123-143]

  • Alinezhad, Batool The Phonological Process of Consonant-to-Consonant Assimilation in Persian: An Acoustic Exploration [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 163-186]

  • Alinezhad, Batool An Optimality Theory Analysis of Hypocoristic Formation in the Standard Persian [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 7-39]

  • Alinezhad, Batool An acoustic study of frequency area of antiformant in Persian nasals [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 33-58]

  • Alinezhad, Batool The Vowel Space of Persian Nasalized Vowels [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 297-324]

  • Alinezhad, Batool Providing a suitable method for allophonic labeling of speech corpuses according to the IPA system [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 185-212]

  • Alinezhad, Batool Acoustic analysis of parameters affecting the between-speaker variability in Persian-English bilinguals [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 131-155]

  • Alinezhad, Batool Prosodic Structure of Focus in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Alinezhad, Batool Conspiracy of some phonological processes in Persian in Optimality Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Alinezhad, Batool The Effect of Front and Back Vowel Features on Peak Alignment of Nucleus of Pitch Accent in Standard and Isfahani Persian [(Articles in Press)]

  • Alizadeh, Ali The Ergative Case System and its Decay in Khorasani Kurmanji Dialect [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 123-142]

  • Alizadeh, Ali The Role of Typological features of Relative Structure on Determining Persian Word Order [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 87-114]

  • Alizadeh, Ali Persian Deadjectival Nominals: An Exoskeletal Approach [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 7-34]

  • Alizadeh, Ali Effects of person and number hierarchies on development of personal reflexive pronouns in New Persian [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 89-114]

  • Alizadeh, Ali Relative clause extraposition in historical prose text: The NasirKhusraw Travelogue [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 181-208]

  • Alizadeh, Ali Persian Possessive Construction Left Dislocation based on Optimality Perspective [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 201-223]

  • Alizadehfard, Sosan The study of the influence of metaphor use on bilinguals’ memory performance [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 51-68]

  • Alizadeh sahraee, Mojtaba Persian Basic Color Terms [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 123-147]

  • Allahweisiazar, Ghader Mukri Pronominal Enclitics distribution in VP: An Optimality Theoretic [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 177-205]

  • Ameri, Alireza Relationship between context and picture in English books(Visions)based on discoursal semantic-semiotic approach [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 149-176]

  • Ameri, Hayat Passivization in Taleshi dialect (of Sehsar) [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 311-330]

  • Ameri, Hayat Relationship between context and picture in English books(Visions)based on discoursal semantic-semiotic approach [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 149-176]

  • Ameri, Hayat The effect of language type on the students’ writing skills: a case of the undergraduate students of Arabic language and literature at Arak University [(Articles in Press)]

  • Amerian, Majid Disagreement Strategies among Male and Female University Students [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 65-90]

  • Amini, Reza A Comparative Study of Kinship Terms in the New West Iranian Languages [(Articles in Press)]

  • Amiri, Jahangir Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 183-209]

  • Amiri, Mahnaz A Semiotic Discourse Analysis of Surat Al-Naba’ Via Stress Patterns [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 119-148]

  • Amiri, Mahnaz Analysis of the Tensive Discourse System in Imam Ali (AS) ’s Letters to Mu’awiyah in Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 89-113]

  • Amiri, Mohammad Aref Critical Analysis of LOVE Metaphor in Persian Lyrics: a Corpus-Based Approach [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 73-98]

  • Amirifar, Mohammad Analysis of Translation of the novel "alshehaz" based on the theoretical model Winnie and Darblnh [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 49-72]

  • Amirshojaee, Anahita The Semiotic-Cultural Analysis and the Ideological Changes in Translation [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 7-32]

  • Amouzadeh, Mohammad Code-switching and Code-mixing: [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 99-125]

  • Amouzgar Yeghaneh, Jaleh Double Accusative Cases in Old Persian Constructions [(Articles in Press)]

  • Amozade, Mohamad A Study of Relative Clause Extraposition in Persian Based on Discourse Grammar [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 59-85]

  • Anosheh, Mazdak The Main Verb Movement in Persian A Minimalist Approach [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 21-55]

  • Anoushe, Mazdak Exclamative Constructions in Persian: A Minimalist ‎Approach [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 27-51]

  • Anoushe, Mazdak Symmetric Merge in Persian Syntax, Evidences from Across-The-Board Wh and Wh Questions [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 7-36]

  • Ansari, Narjes Poetic Images in the Persian and Arabic Literary Criticism [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 95-121]

  • Arab zouzani, Mohammad Ali An investigation on the Mood Structure of Jihad Lecture in Nahj- albalagheh Based on the Interpersonal Metafunction of functional Theory [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 62-79]

  • Arianpoor, Mahla Prosodic Impairments of Adult Persian-Speaking Brain Damaged Patients Based on the Montreal Protocol for the Evaluation of Communication (M.E.C.) [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 39-63]

  • Arjmandi, Masoomeh A Critical analysis of Power Across Language in Two Persian Constitutions in the Course of Twentieth Century [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 205-240]

  • Arkan, Faezeh Morphological Stem: a Separationist Concept [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 91-117]

  • Arkan, Faezeh The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 233-264]

  • Asadi, Homa Again' Rā': This Time Colloquial [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 61-86]

  • Asadi, Homa Otherization in the Foreign Policy Discourse of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 7-24]

  • Asadi, Homa Acoustic analysis of parameters affecting the between-speaker variability in Persian-English bilinguals [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 131-155]

  • Asadi, Homa Comparative Analysis of Speech Rhythm Measures for Persian Speaker Identification: Duration vs. Intensity [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 61-82]

  • Asadi, Mahtab Checking time justifiability pattern in "wedding photo" play [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 7-27]

  • Asadi Mofarah, Tayebeh An Investigation of Ergative Construction in Targhy Accent of Rajy Dialect from Distributed Morphology Viewpoint [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 63-97]

  • Asghari, Javad A Study of the Efficiency of Berman's Model in the Assessment of Qur'an Translation; A case study of Rationalization tendency [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 111-138]

  • Asghari, Seyedeh Zahra A Survey on Emerging Non-Spatial Senses From the Spatial Sense of "Dar" Based on LCCM Theory [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 27-48]

  • Asghari, Seyedeh Zahra The effect of cochlear implantation on the acoustic features of Farsi vowels by hearing-impaired children [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 139-163]

  • Asgharpur, Mehrdad The relationship between reading motivation and Prior knowledge and reading comprehension of Language learners [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 51-73]

  • Asghary Targhy, Mozhgan An Investigation of Ergative Construction in Targhy Accent of Rajy Dialect from Distributed Morphology Viewpoint [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 63-97]

  • Ashayeri, Hasan The study of the influence of metaphor use on bilinguals’ memory performance [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 51-68]

  • Ashraf, Esmail Study some of the texts of Tavabe and Zavab Ibn Shohid, and Ghofran Mary Based on the hypothesis Buzyman [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 127-146]

  • Ashrafi, Batol The Study of the Communicative Situation Effect on the Selection of Politeness Strategies in Birjandi High School Girls’ Conversations [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 7-41]

  • Asiaee, Maral A Morphophonetic Approach to Hiatus in Spoken Persian Language [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 297-318]

  • Asiaee, Maral Acoustic analysis of parameters affecting the between-speaker variability in Persian-English bilinguals [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 131-155]

  • Assadollahi, Allahchokr Louis-Ferdinand Celine or the Representation of Slang: The Rebellion of the Lexicon and the Suspense Of Writing [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 1-26]

  • Assadollahi, Allahshokr The repetition process in Sarraute's dramatic works, the verbal language's dynamics or its stagnation? [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 237-256]

  • Assi, Seyed Mostafa The application of MIPVU procedure for identifying metaphors in Persian: teacher-student discourse in 1st and 2nd grade of primary schools [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 173-201]

  • Aswadi, Ali Evaluation of good Quranic verses in some Persian translations Based on Carmen Grosss Model [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 27-46]

  • Aswadi, Ali Recognizing translation difficulties of (Ma) similar to (laisa) in the first and second parts of the Holy Qur’an (Based on the theory of Carmen Grosses) [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 9-34]

  • Aswadi, Ali Cognitive analysis of the element of movement in Kahf Surah based on Talmy theory [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 69-95]

  • Atari, Latif Azari-Turkish/Persian Bilinguals’ Code-Switching based on Matrix Language Frame Model (MLF) and Null theory [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 33-57]

  • Azad, Omid Idiom Processing in Persian-speaking Alzheimer’s Patients [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 7-25]

  • Azadikhah, Maryam Comparison between Sadness and Happiness Conceptual Metaphors in the Songs of Parvin Etesami [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 179-202]

  • Azhideh, Nasrin The study of relative clause schema in Persian language with data mining methods [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 39-64]

  • Azimdokht, Zoleikha An Investigation into Locative Predicates in Persian Based on Role and Reference Grammar [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 107-125]

  • Azimi Montazer, Somayyeh Critical Discourse Analysis of Konkoor (University Entrance Exam) Commercials by Preparatory Institutes: The Case of Modaresan Sharif, Parseh, and Mahan Institutes [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 301-326]

  • Azizi, Syrous Role of Topic Shift and Violence of Grice Principles in Interrogation: Forensic Linguistics [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 159-179]

  • Azizifar, Amir Abas The Main Types of Linguistic Deviation of Nima's Poem [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 121-148]

  • Azkia, Neda Lexicalization as a Framework for Explaining Non-simple Verbs in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 31-57]

  • Azmode, Hsan A Study of Relative Clause Extraposition in Persian Based on Discourse Grammar [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 59-85]


  • Babaali, Bagher Providing a suitable method for allophonic labeling of speech corpuses according to the IPA system [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 185-212]

  • Babamahmoodi, Farhang The Influence of Doctor-Patient Verbal Interaction on Patient Satisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 69-84]

  • Badakhshan, Ebrahim Description and analysis of lenition in Kalhori Kurdish Ebrahim Badakhshan[1] Mohammad Zamani [2] [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 89-101]

  • Badakhshan, Ebrahim Conceptual Metaphors of Corona in Surani Kurdish Language [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 9-33]

  • Baghaei, Seyede Atefe Typology of conditional construction in New Persian language [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 187-212]

  • Bagher pour, Batol A Comparative Lexical and Terminological study of the Element of the Plot and Its Exponents in Arabic and Persian [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 131-172]

  • Bahrami-Khorshid, Sahar Causation and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 143-166]

  • Bahrami-Khorshid, Sahar Grammaticalization in Azerbaijani Turkish: A Case Study of Postpositions [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 69-89]

  • Bahrami-Khorshid, Sahar The Viewpoint of Cognitive Grammar to Ellipsis in Persian Coordinative Constructions [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 233-264]

  • Bahrani, Mohammad A Case Study of Phonetic Reduction in Persian Telephonic Numerals [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 110-134]

  • Bakhtiari, Farzane The application of MIPVU procedure for identifying metaphors in Persian: teacher-student discourse in 1st and 2nd grade of primary schools [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 173-201]

  • Bakhtiari, Shahla An Quranic approah toward developing materials for English langauge teaching: the concept of water [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 205-228]

  • Bakhtiary, Arman Investigation of language Relationships between Parthian and Gurgâni Texts of Hurufiyye [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 111-130]

  • Bakhtiary, Rahman Folk Etymology of the Iranian Toponyms (forging of history and identity) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 25-49]

  • Banaie, Bentolhoda A Semiotic Analysis of Religious Elements in 'Signs' by Shyamalan [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 75-98]

  • Barati, Hosin an explicit classification of non-epistemic senses of tavan, shodan and bayestan based on Depraetere’s semantic-pragmatic model [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 115-148]

  • Barzegar Pash, Kobra Cognitive analysis of the element of movement in Kahf Surah based on Talmy theory [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 69-95]

  • Bashirnezhad, Hassan A Socio-linguistic Analysis on the Status and Usage of Mazandarani and Persian in Mazandaran [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 119-145]

  • Basirat, Vahid Analysis of Phonological Processes in Gilaki Dialect based on a Linguistic Atlas [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 91-110]

  • Batmani, Hoshang A Systemic Functional Approach to Chapter 36 (Yasin) in the Quran [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 7-35]

  • Batouli, SeyedAmirHossein The contribution of Planum Temporale in Number-Person features processing in bilinguals: An fMRI study [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 285-318]

  • Bayani, Masoud The Suffix Evolution of “Hr” from the Indo-European to the New Persian Language [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 143-158]

  • Bayanlou, Ali Persian words involved and their Semantic transformations in Azeri Turkish on both sides of the Aras River [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 271-299]

  • Beaytari, Nafiseh The Analysis of Equivalence at The Level of Words Between Source Text and Translation based on Baker’s Theory: Ayatollah Khamenei’s Lectures on Palestine [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 65-95]

  • Behmanesh, Nahid Explaining the ontological and structural metaphors of the concept of "world" in the poems of Saadi and Parvin [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 99-129]

  • Behnam, Biook The Representation of 'Britain' in BBC English Learning Website: Promoting Electronic Colonialism [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 47-79]

  • Behnam, Mina A Comparative Approach to the Use of Language in Realism and Surrealism Theories: Review on Suvashun and Boofe- koor Novels [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 7-32]

  • Behzadfarokhi, Leyla A Comparative Study of Naturalistic Tendencies in Works by Sadegh Chubak and Jack London: A Functional Linguistics Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Bigdeli, Neda Perceptual evidence for the phonological adaptation of English vowels in Persian sound system [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 273-295]

  • Bijani, Houman Focalization in Azeri Turkish [(Articles in Press)]

  • Bijankhan, Mahmood The Acoustic Study of Persian Vowels in CV Syllables Of Citation Form [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 97-116]

  • Bijankhan, Mahmood Perception of Voice Onset Time (VOT) in Standard Persian Initial Stops [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 173-203]

  • Bijankhan, Mahmood Prosodic analysis of Ezafe construction in the framework of prosodic phonology [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 109-128]

  • Bijankhan, Mahmood Compensatory Lengthening in Central Kurdish: An Opaque Phenomenon in Harmonic Serialism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Boegel, Tina Stress-Affected LFG Account of Vafsi Clitic PAMs [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 57-89]

  • Bordbar, Anahita Genden" in Parvin Etesami's poems [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 125-151]

  • Borjikhani, Mona The Influence of Feminine Writing in the Book ‘Da’ [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 229-253]

  • Bozorgian, Hossein Interactional resources in letter writing of elementray young EFL learners: An investigation of the effects of writer's gender and text language [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 219-248]

  • Buiakevych, Kristina Semantic roles of dative case in Russian and ways of expressing them in Persian [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 269-295]


  • Changizi, Ehsan Double Accusative Cases in Old Persian Constructions [(Articles in Press)]

  • Changizi, Mahsa Metadiscourse Markers in Applied Linguistics RAs Published in International and Local Journals [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 77-102]

  • Chavoshian, Sharareh Architecture in literature, Stupor & Tremor by Amélie Nothomb [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 357-376]

  • Chegeni, Mozhgan Determining grammatical Categories Of Multifunctional Words In Persian Dictionaries [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 251-272]


  • Dabaghi, Azizollah 'The point I want you to note is': Marking importance in Persian academic lectures [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 79-103]

  • Dabbagh, Ehsan A comparative study of some mtaphors translations of Surah Baqarh in French translations from the perspective of Newmark (Case study: Regis Blachere and Jacques Berque’s translations) [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 65-97]

  • Dabirmoghadam, Mohammad Stylistic Characteristics of Total Reduplication in Suvašun and buf-e kur [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 85-105]

  • Dabirmoghaddam, Mohammad A Syntactic Analysis of Ergative Case Marking in some Iranian Languages: A minimalist View [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Damansouz, Arefe Investigating the Acoustic Features of Stress in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Comparing to Typical Development Children [(Articles in Press)]

  • Danande, Samira The effect of individual and collaborative writing on fluency, accuracy, and complexity of writing performance of Iranian intermediate learners: Mediating role of multimodal instruction [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 115-144]

  • Danaye Tous, Maryam Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 265-297]

  • Danaye Tous, Maryam Investigating the use of inference-making strategy in reading comprehension: Evidence from strong and weak Persian students in terms of reading comprehension [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 97-123]

  • Danaye Tous, Maryam Comparing the discourse of patients with Alzheimer (at the early and middle stages of disease) and Persian-speaking normal individuals: A linguistic and pragmatic approach [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 253-287]

  • Daneshgar, Maryam Study of Writing Instruction in Reading and Writing Textbooks of Primary School Based on the Process Approach and the Intended Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 27-48]

  • Darzi, Ali Head of the Inflection phrase in Persian [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 99-141]

  • Darzi, Ali The Main Verb Movement in Persian A Minimalist Approach [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 21-55]

  • Dashti, Anahid Morphological Productivity of Non-verbal Persian Derivational Suffixes in “Dependency Corpus” [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 111-147]

  • Dastghoshadeh, Adel Structural Parallelism in TP and DP: Case and Agreement in Azeri Turkish [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 301-324]

  • Dastjerdi Kazemi, Mehdi A description of First Grade Primary Students’ Speech within Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar: Textual Metafunction [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 93-131]

  • Dastlan, Morteza Lexical Reanalysis, a manifestation of persianization of borrowed words in Persian language; a structural investigation [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 35-54]

  • Davari, Negar An Analysis of Onomatopoeic Words in Dashtestani Dialect: Structural and Semantic Approaches/ Negar Davari Ardakani Hossein Moghani [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 83-106]

  • Davatgari Asl, Hanieh Fifties Stamps discourse from the Applied Semantics Perspective Based on Van Leeuwen Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 267-295]

  • Dehghan, Masoud Evidentiality in the interrogator's Persuasion [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 281-307]

  • Dehghan, Masoud The effect of Bilingualism on Language Development: An Evidence from Kalhori Kurdish and Persian Bilingual Children [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 129-149]

  • Dehghan, Rahim A Discoursal Analysis of Functional Spectrum of Discourse Markers in Translation Criticism: Pedagogic and Research Implications in Discourse Monitoring [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 91-116]

  • Dehghan Khalili, Mozhdeh A Comparative Study of Short and Long Adjectives in The Russian Language [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 125-142]

  • Dehkharghani, Sanaz From morphemes to words: A comparative approach to study profession names in Persian and French [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 37-60]

  • Dehkharghani, Sanaz A Study of the Semantic Network of /-oir/ and /-atoire/ Morphemes in French: A Comparative Approach [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 317-340]

  • Derakhshan, Ali The Effect of Implicit vs. Explicit Metapragmatic Instruction on the Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Pragmatic Comprehension of Apology and Refusal [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 151-175]

  • Derakhshan, Ali Educational Didactics in Teaching Foreign Language Reading Comprehension Skills to Youth Community of Practice through Social Robot's Augmented Reality [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Dilley, Laura Christine An overview of prosodic transcription systems: a comparison of the "Tones and Break Indices: ToBI" and " Rhythm and Pitch: RaP" [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 257-284]

  • Dinmohammadi, Gholamreza Auxiliation in Persian and Formation of Perfect and Subjunctive Structures [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 7-26]

  • Din Mohammadi, Gholamreza A Contrastive and Error Analysis of Lexical Errors in Persian Essays of Arab Students [(Articles in Press)]

  • Djalili Marand, Nahid Contrastive Analysis of Metonymy in Persian and French Journalistic Texts [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 7-23]

  • Djalili Marand, Nahid From morphemes to words: A comparative approach to study profession names in Persian and French [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 37-60]

  • Djalili Marand, Nahid A Study of the Semantic Network of /-oir/ and /-atoire/ Morphemes in French: A Comparative Approach [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 317-340]

  • Dolatpour Lakeh, Tahereh Partial Reduplication in Roudbari variety of Tati [(Articles in Press)]

  • Doosty, Mohammad Derivational Structures of Words in the Sistani Dialect [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 145-161]


  • Ebadi, Saman speech act of criticism from a sociolinguistics point of view [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 27-47]

  • Ebrahimi, Abas Ali Phonic Features in Translation of Quran in Tabari Language [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 7-29]

  • Ebrahimi, Shima Examining the Effects of Emotioncy-based Language Instruction on Non-Persian Language Learners’ Level of Cultural Intelligence [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 55-82]

  • Ebrahimi, Shima Lexical binaries in Ferdowsi’s Shahname and their use in teaching Farsi [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 117-145]

  • Ebrahimi, Shima Introducing the Narrative-Based Emotioncy Model in Updating and Revising the Content of Coursebooks Featuring History of Persian Language [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 155-188]

  • Ebrahimi, Shima Examining Students’ Language Preferences: A Case Study of Sublime, Emo-Sensory and Simple Styles [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Ebrahimi, Shima Examining the Cultuling of Iranians' Concerns for Others: From Apathy to Metapathy [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 41-75]

  • Ebrahimi, Shima An Investigation into Blame Cultuling and Just Cultuling in Iranian Culture [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ebrahimi, Shima Investigating the Female Silence in Iranian Culture Based on the Conceptual Model of Cultuling Analysis [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ebrahimi, Zhino The study on power and certainty in the language of Kurdish speakers based on Lakoff's Dominance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 103-126]

  • Eidi, Zaman Study some of the texts of Tavabe and Zavab Ibn Shohid, and Ghofran Mary Based on the hypothesis Buzyman [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 127-146]

  • Elyasi, Mahmoud Describing and analysing of some polite words in Persian based on Brown and Levinson’ s politeness theory [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 25-53]

  • Emadi, Seyed Rasoul Comparing the effect of traditional and blended instructional approaches on the creativity, motivation, and learning of non-Iranian learners of Persian language [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 219-241]

  • Erfaniyan, Lila A Study of Lexical Motivation in Compound Words of The Persian Language at Two Milestones with a Two Hundred Year Interval Period (the present time and 200 years ago) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 155-175]

  • Eshaghi, Mahieh A Cognitive Analysis of the Concepts of “Divine Anger and worldly Punishment” in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 99-125]

  • Eshani, Tahereh The Theory of Cohesion and Cohesive Harmony and The usage of it in a minimal story: The Tale of a Ladder [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 51-77]

  • Eskandari, Hossin The study of the influence of metaphor use on bilinguals’ memory performance [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 51-68]

  • Eslami, Maliheh Extraposition as a Constituency Test for Syntactic Structures in Persian [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 65-83]

  • Eslami, Maryam Fossilization in Second Language Acquisition: Preventive Strategies for Foreign Learners of Persian [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 7-25]

  • Eslami, Moharam Sonority Dispersion of Two Consonant Clusters in Syllable Boundary Position in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 7-27]

  • Eslamipour, Najmeh Comparison of motion verbs in Persian and English languages (A cognitive and typological approach) [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 223-246]

  • Eslami-Rasekh, Abbas 'The point I want you to note is': Marking importance in Persian academic lectures [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 79-103]

  • Esmaaili, Mohammad Mehdi Graded Finiteness of Persain Complement Clauses Based on Landau's Minimalist view and Givon's Functionalist Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Esmaeelpour, Elmira The linguistic study of the works of Sa ̅deq Heda ̅yat in hypomania and depression periods: The effect of bipolar mood disorder [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 7-26]

  • Esmalipour, Maryam Readout and analysis of Molana’s sonnets: A Jungian perspective [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 155-179]

  • Esmalipour, Maryam The Study of Narrative and Story Elements in Kalagh Seshanbeh [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 169-202]

  • Estaji, Azam A Survey and Description of Deictic terms Usage and Understanding in the language of blind Persian speakers [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-24]

  • Estaji, Azam Fossilization in Second Language Acquisition: Preventive Strategies for Foreign Learners of Persian [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 7-25]

  • Estaji, Azam The Effect of storytelling on the spoken Language of Children with autism (mild to moderate spectrum) [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 109-129]

  • Estaji, Azam Relative clause extraposition in historical prose text: The NasirKhusraw Travelogue [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 181-208]

  • Estaji, Azam A Discoursive Evaluation of “Emotive Attitudes of the Opposed and Agreed Members of Parliament” in the Meeting of Introducing the Proposed Ministers of the Thirteenth Cabinet of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Estaji, Azam The Analysis of Some Verbal Cues to Deception in Near-death Experiences [(Articles in Press)]

  • Estaji, Masoomeh Persian proficiency test: Designing and analyzing the structure, reliability, and validity [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 9-34]

  • Estiri, Majid Analysis of Spelling Errors of Persian-Speaking Learners of Russian [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 97-118]

  • Etebari, Zahra Effects of person and number hierarchies on development of personal reflexive pronouns in New Persian [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 89-114]

  • Ezzat doust, Abdullah Passivization in Taleshi dialect (of Sehsar) [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 311-330]


  • Faghhi, AbdolHosin The Evaluation of Arabic into Persian Translated Texts [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 71-107]

  • Faghih Malek Marzban, Nasrin A Study of Naming the Holy Defense Themes in Qeysar Aminpour’s Poetry: Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Theory [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 201-225]

  • Fakhri Alamdari, Ebrahim Enhancing metacognitive awareness in listening and EFL motivation through L1-mediated metacognitive intervention [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 87-113]

  • Fakhrshafaie, Nahid The Process of Acquiring Opposite Words in Persian Children [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 211-232]

  • Falahati, Sogra Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Falahi, Mohammad Hadi The Study of Different Aspects of Language Ability in 5-8-year-old Autistic children Compared to their Normal Peers [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 131-150]

  • Fallahpour, Sediqeh Interactional resources in letter writing of elementray young EFL learners: An investigation of the effects of writer's gender and text language [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 219-248]

  • Fallah Shahraki, Narges The effect of teaching collocation on improving intermediate Persian learner’s writing skills [(Articles in Press)]

  • Famiyan, Alireza gholi A Comparative Analysis of Acronyms in Persian, English, Arabic and Turkish [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 103-122]

  • Farahzad, Farzane Verb Tenses and Their Ideological Implications on Translated Texts Based on CDA [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 185-211]

  • Farahzad, Farzaneh Aspect and its Ideological Implications on Translated Texts Based on CDA [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 245-275]

  • Faramarzi, Salar The Effectiveness of Morphological Awareness training with Play on Dyslexia in students with Specific Learning Disability [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 7-26]

  • Farjah, Marjan from image to imagination [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 67-84]

  • Farkhondeh, Yunes Comparing the effect of traditional and blended instructional approaches on the creativity, motivation, and learning of non-Iranian learners of Persian language [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 219-241]

  • Faroghi, Jalil alh Describing the Inflectional Features of Tense, Person, and Number in Simple Verbs of the Mazandarani Language [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 195-216]

  • Farough, Jalil alah A Case Study of an Aphasic Patient: Jacobson’s Cultural Model of Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 145-165]

  • Faroughi Hendevalan, Jalilolah Pronunciation problems of children with speech delay in the initial, middle and final positions of words: Evidence from Persian-speaking girls and boys aged 3 to 8 years in Birjand [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 213-233]

  • Farrokhi, Mohammad Hasan A Critical Discourse Analysis of Trump’s tweets based on Van Dijk Model [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 131-156]

  • Farzaneh, Shahin The evaluation and comparison of Persian translations of the English novel The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain based on Garces’ model (1994) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 57-105]

  • Fatahizade, Fathieh Conceptualization of the influence of Satan in guidance /misguidance system based on the category of motion in the Holy Quran: A Cognitive approach [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 257-285]

  • Fathi, Jalil The effect of Strategy-Based Instruction on EFL writing performance and Self-Regulated Learning [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 23-45]

  • Fathi, Jalil The relationship among self-efficacy, self-concept, and burnout among Iranian EFL teachers: A structural equation modelling analysis [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 33-55]

  • Fathi, Sadeq A Comparative Study of Time Metaphor in Mahmoud Dolatabadi and Yusuf Idris’ Novels [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 33-63]

  • Fattahi, Mehdi The Diachronic Change of /xw/ Consonant Cluster in Persian, Sorani Kurdish, Hawrami, and Kalhori Kurdish: An Optimaity Theoretic Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 213-236]

  • Fazaeli, Sedeh Maryam A Case Study of a Korean Student’s [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 143-174]

  • Fazli, Mansore sadat Auxiliaries in Persian language and split auxiliary [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 35-50]

  • Feizi, Maryam The Relationship between Verb Comprehension and Verb Production among Non-Native Persian Learners Based on Systematic Functional Approach [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 187-204]

  • Feizollahi, Behnam The effect of Strategy-Based Instruction on EFL writing performance and Self-Regulated Learning [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 23-45]

  • Fekri, Masod The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Learning Arabic Listening Skill [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 227-254]

  • Fereidoni, Javid The Impact of Gender, Age, and Education on Language Attitudes Among Kurdish Speakers in Mahabad: A Matched-Guise Approach [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 83-96]

  • Firoozian Pooresfahani, Ailin Critical discourse analysis of Alavi's novel "Her Eyes" based on Norman Fairclough's theory [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 115-142]

  • Flahati, Soghra Study some of the texts of Tavabe and Zavab Ibn Shohid, and Ghofran Mary Based on the hypothesis Buzyman [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 127-146]

  • Forati, Zahra Derivation Akbar Al Ain and MqayysAllghh [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 139-161]

  • Forsati jooybari, Reza The study of modality in the novel of "My Dear Husband" by Fariba Kalhor based on Fowler’s view [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 327-352]

  • Fouladi, Maryam The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Learning Arabic Listening Skill [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 227-254]


  • Gandomkar, Rahele Polysemy of verb “xordan”: A case study of inefficiency of lexical typology [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 149-167]

  • Gandomkar, Raheleh Studying Metonymy in Persian and the Theory of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 151-176]

  • Gandomkar, Raheleh Persian Onomatopoeias: An Analysis Based On Iconicity [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 295-317]

  • Gandomkar, Raheleh Metonymy in Terms of Address in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Gandomkar, Raheleh The Analysis of Linguistic-gender Features of Characters in Iranian Contemporary Cinema Based on Social Actor’s Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Gandomkar, Raheleh Creating Lexical Phrases within Construction Grammar and their Application in Persian Dictionaries [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 119-147]

  • Ganji, Narges A Comparative Lexical and Terminological study of the Element of the Plot and Its Exponents in Arabic and Persian [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 131-172]

  • Gashmardi, Mahmodreza A Textual Criticism of the Translations of the Little Prince According to Textual Linguistics [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 175-201]

  • Ghaedi, Fatemeh The Discourse Strategies of Advertising in Persian Magazines and Newspapers [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 1-7]

  • Ghaemi, Morteza Survey of the impact of typesetting in music and the meaning of discretional verses of the seven suspended odes (Mu'allaqat Saba’a’a) [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 69-110]

  • Ghaemi, Morteza Lexical aspect and its role in the modality in the 53th letter of nahj al balaghe [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 121-150]

  • Ghaemi, Morteza Analysis of semantic components vocabulary and its application in the process of translation of Quran Case study Sura of Noor, Forghan and Shoara [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 83-115]

  • Ghaemi, Morteza Reading the moral concepts of Nahj ah-Balaghah based on conversational implicative [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 137-166]

  • Ghaemi, Sara A Contrastive Study of the Ordering Speech Act [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 119-134]

  • Ghafari, Mehran Levels of Complexity of OO and SO Type Relative Clauses in Preschool Persian Speaking Children [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 119-143]

  • Ghafari, Solmaz Critique and analysis of cultural elements in Ibn Arabshah’s translation of Marzbannameh based on Ivory [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 233-267]

  • Ghafar Samar, Reza Differences in Contribution of Lexical Processing Levels in L2 Noun and Verb Processing and their Implications in English Language Teaching [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 147-162]

  • Ghahremani, Sosan جنگ تحمیلی پنهان: دزفول این بار در محاصره ی کلمات غریب [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 80-115]

  • Ghahremani Ghajar, Sosane Effect of L1-mediated focus-on-form instruction on English language learners' oral production [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 165-184]

  • Ghahremani Ghajar, Sue-san An Quranic approah toward developing materials for English langauge teaching: the concept of water [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 205-228]

  • Ghamari, Mohammad Reza The Role of Language in National Identity [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 153-172]

  • Ghanbari Abdolmaleki, Reza Critical discourse analysis of Alavi's novel "Her Eyes" based on Norman Fairclough's theory [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 115-142]

  • Ghanbarian, Tina Lexicography of the Verb and Cognitive Linguistics: A case study of Afshandan [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 179-208]

  • Gharibi, Afsaneh Rhetorical Structure Analysis of EFLs’ Written Argumentative: combining the two approaches of rhetorical structure and rhetorical movement [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 35-64]

  • Ghasemiasl, Zeinab Study of discourse-semantic structures in Arabia Alhayat newspaper with emphasis on Van Dijk schema [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 331-355]

  • Ghatreh, Fariba A Morphophonetic Approach to Hiatus in Spoken Persian Language [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 297-318]

  • Ghatreh, Fariba A Construction Morphology Approach to the Analysis of Compound Adjectives Made of Sāz (Builder) in Persian [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 205-220]

  • Ghavami, Sarana Investigating the use of inference-making strategy in reading comprehension: Evidence from strong and weak Persian students in terms of reading comprehension [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 97-123]

  • Ghavami Lahij, Sarana Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 265-297]

  • Ghavimi, Mahvash Language and Anti Language in The Plays of Eugene Ionesco [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 149-168]

  • Ghayoomi, Masood Contextualized Text Representation Using Latent Topics for Classifying Scientific Papers [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 31-60]

  • Ghazanfari Moghaddam, Salehe Lexical binaries in Ferdowsi’s Shahname and their use in teaching Farsi [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 117-145]

  • Gheitury, Amer Singular concord in Kalhori Kurdish: A distributed morphology approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ghiasian, Maryam Sadat Levels of Complexity of OO and SO Type Relative Clauses in Preschool Persian Speaking Children [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 119-143]

  • Ghiasi zarch, Abolghasem Common writing errors of Non-Persian language learners in general level Case Study of Imam Khomeini International University Language Center [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 177-204]

  • Ghiassi Zarch, Abolghasem A Contrastive and Error Analysis of Lexical Errors in Persian Essays of Arab Students [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ghitori, Amer A Systemic Functional Approach to Chapter 36 (Yasin) in the Quran [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 7-35]

  • Ghitori, Amer Saussurian Sructuralism, Origins and Influence on the Methodology of Human Sciences [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 127-141]

  • Gholamalizadeh, Mehran A Comparative Study of Time Metaphor in Mahmoud Dolatabadi and Yusuf Idris’ Novels [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 33-63]

  • Gholamali Zadeh, Khosrow Saussurian Sructuralism, Origins and Influence on the Methodology of Human Sciences [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 127-141]

  • Gholami, Ali Hosin Analysis of semantic components vocabulary and its application in the process of translation of Quran Case study Sura of Noor, Forghan and Shoara [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 83-115]

  • Gholami, Hosen A Comparative Study of Short and Long Adjectives in The Russian Language [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 125-142]

  • Gholami, Hossain A Glimpse of Orthography of Negative Particle «не» in Russian Adjectives in Comparison with its Equivalent Negative Prefixes in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]

  • Gholami, Vahid Structural Parallelism in TP and DP: Case and Agreement in Azeri Turkish [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 301-324]

  • Gholami, Vahid Mukri Pronominal Enclitics distribution in VP: An Optimality Theoretic [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 177-205]

  • Gholi Famian, Ali Reza Analysis of Phonological Processes in Gilaki Dialect based on a Linguistic Atlas [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 91-110]

  • Ghonche poor, Azam Prospect II: A Textbook Evaluation Study based on EFL Teachers’ Perspective [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 7-32]

  • Ghonchepour, Mousa The Production of Simple and Compound Nouns in Persian Speaking Aphasic Patients [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 177-194]

  • Ghonchepour, Mousa Synthetic compounding: a syntactic or morphological processing? A corpus-based study [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 149-173]

  • Ghonchepour, Mousa Markedness in oral production and repetition of Persian Aphasias: A study on Optimality theory [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 247-273]

  • Ghonchepour, Mousa A Critical Discourse Analysis of Trump’s tweets based on Van Dijk Model [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 131-156]

  • Ghonchepour, Mousa The role of semantic head and constituent position in processing root compound nouns: Evidence from normal and Broca aphasic subjects [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 269-299]

  • Ghonchepour, Mousa Phrasal Compounds in Persian [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 115-142]

  • Ghonsoli, Behzad A Case Study of a Korean Student’s [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 143-174]

  • Ghorbanpoor Arani, Hossein A Content Analysis of Themes in Persian Curses [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 189-212]

  • Ghorishi, Mohamad hossain The Semiotic-Cultural Analysis and the Ideological Changes in Translation [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 7-32]

  • Golfam, Arsalan The Argument Structure of deverbal nouns on the basis of Lexical Functional Grammar [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 109-129]

  • Golfam, Arsalan Causation and Iconicity: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 143-166]

  • Golfam, Arsalan cultural conceptualization in Persian children's stories: a cognitive study [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 297-317]

  • Golfam, Arsalan The application of MIPVU procedure for identifying metaphors in Persian: teacher-student discourse in 1st and 2nd grade of primary schools [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 173-201]

  • Golfam, Arsalan The Viewpoint of Cognitive Grammar to Ellipsis in Persian Coordinative Constructions [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 233-264]

  • Golshaie, Ramin literal and figurative language processing: an event-related potential (ERP) study [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 131-150]

  • Goodarzi lemraski, Hasan Intertextuality in Salah Abdolsaboor,s poetry [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 135-154]

  • Gorjian, Bahman Representation of Mental Timeline in the Language Structure of Persian Speakers [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 9-32]

  • Gorjian, Bahman The Candidates' Inferring Problems of TOEFL Listening Module [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 267-295]

  • Gorjian, Bahman Examining Discoursal Patterns among Judges and Defendants in Criminal Courts [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 33-61]

  • Goshe, Sedighe Past-making Suffix in Lori Dialect of Kohgiluye and Boyerahmad and its Articulation Behaviour [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 43-64]

  • Gowhari, Habib Information Structure and Thematic Structure of Persian Language A Corpus-based Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 213-242]

  • Gowhari, Habib Investigating the borrowing of prepositions and pronouns in Kalhori Kurdish in Kurdish-Farsi bilinguals [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 227-255]


  • Habibi, Fatemeh A Cognitive Analysis of the Concepts of “Divine Anger and worldly Punishment” in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 99-125]

  • Habib zadeh, Hamed A Comparative Study between Proverbs of the Two Plays of Shakespeare and Their Arabic and Persian Translations: "Eight Translations of Hamlet" and "Four Translations of The Taming of the Shrew" [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 69-94]

  • Hadian, Bahram The Argument Structure of deverbal nouns on the basis of Lexical Functional Grammar [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 109-129]

  • Hadidi Tamjid, Nasrin The Relationships among Iranian EFL Learners’ Perfectionism, Anxiety and English Language Achievement: The Contribution of L2 Selves [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-183]

  • Hadizadeh, Afsaneh Quranic Intertextuality in Poetry of Abo-tammam Taee [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 149-169]

  • Haghbin, Farideh Auxiliaries in Persian language and split auxiliary [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 35-50]

  • Haghbin, Farideh Again' Rā': This Time Colloquial [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 61-86]

  • Haghbin, Farideh Anger Metaphor in Language of the Blind from Birth: A comparative study with sighted counterparts [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 85-98]

  • Haghbin, Farideh The study of the relationship between the interactive input from mothers with background knowledge in child´s narrative [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 65-82]

  • Haidary, Hassan The Function of Speech Acts in an Allegory of Mathnavi Mavavi [(Articles in Press)]

  • Haji Esmaeili, Mohammad Reza Analysis of the Tensive Discourse System in Imam Ali (AS) ’s Letters to Mu’awiyah in Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 89-113]

  • Hallajzadeh Bonab, Hossein Description and analysis of ideological structures in family court discourse, divorce demanding women¸ based on Van Dijk (2006) [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 31-58]

  • Hamidi, Fatemeh A Discoursive Evaluation of “Emotive Attitudes of the Opposed and Agreed Members of Parliament” in the Meeting of Introducing the Proposed Ministers of the Thirteenth Cabinet of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Hannan, Somayyeh A Construction Morphology Approach to the Analysis of Compound Adjectives Made of Sāz (Builder) in Persian [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 205-220]

  • Hasanshahi Raviz, Mohammad A Semantic Analysis of Compound Verbs with kærdæn light verb based on Construction Morphology Theory [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 97-129]

  • Hasan zade, Rezvan A Glimpse of Orthography of Negative Particle «не» in Russian Adjectives in Comparison with its Equivalent Negative Prefixes in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]

  • Hasanzade, Vigen A Glimpse of Orthography of Negative Particle «не» in Russian Adjectives in Comparison with its Equivalent Negative Prefixes in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 59-79]

  • Hasanzadeh, Mohammad The Role of Language in National Identity [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 153-172]

  • Hashemi, Ensiye Sadat A Study of the Efficiency of Berman's Model in the Assessment of Qur'an Translation; A case study of Rationalization tendency [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 111-138]

  • Hasheminasab, Saba The Viewpoint of Cognitive Grammar to Ellipsis in Persian Coordinative Constructions [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 233-264]

  • Hassani, Samira An investigation into Iranian English literature student’ academic achievement based on Weiner’s attribution theory [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 9-38]

  • Hassaskhah, Jaleh A Critical analysis of Power Across Language in Two Persian Constitutions in the Course of Twentieth Century [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 205-240]

  • Hatami, Pedram An Investigation on The Stylistics Characteristics of The Bank’s Facility Contracts [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 249-270]

  • Hatami, Pedram An Investigation on The Stylistic Conversational Characteristics of Tejarat Bank Call Center Operators from pragmatic's perspective [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 289-317]

  • Hatefi, Mohammad Semiotic Evolution of "Rumor" in the Framework of Discursive Systems [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 143-166]

  • Hatefi, Mohammad Discursive strategies for managing coronavirus fake news (rumors) by analyzing some pages in Telegram [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 35-58]

  • Heidarpour Bidgoli, Tahminieh The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 233-264]

  • Hekmati, Ramin Prosodic analysis of Ezafe construction in the framework of prosodic phonology [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 109-128]

  • Hemati, Fateme Effect of L1-mediated focus-on-form instruction on English language learners' oral production [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 165-184]

  • Hemati, Reza The effect of Bilingualism on Language Development: An Evidence from Kalhori Kurdish and Persian Bilingual Children [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 129-149]

  • Hemmati, Fatemeh The Role of Concordance Formats in Vocabulary Learning [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 257-281]

  • Hesabi, Akbar Radial Categories of Head Body Parts: A Cognitive Study [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 87-109]

  • Heydari, Abdolhossain Azari-Turkish/Persian Bilinguals’ Code-Switching based on Matrix Language Frame Model (MLF) and Null theory [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 33-57]

  • Heydari, Abdolhossein Analyzing the case markers of Persian noun on Azerbayjani Turkish speakers’ speech, based on 4-M model [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 157-176]

  • Heydari, Bahman The Diachronic Change of /xw/ Consonant Cluster in Persian, Sorani Kurdish, Hawrami, and Kalhori Kurdish: An Optimaity Theoretic Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 213-236]

  • Heydarpour Marand, yazdan The Role of Metaphorical and Ironic Structures in Representing Hidden Behavioral and Verbal Ideologies of Shahad Al-Rawi’s Novel The Baghdad Clock using Andrew Goatly’s Speech Act Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Hojjatpanah, Aliasghar Building a specialized comparable corpus: PARSA [(Articles in Press)]

  • Homayooni, Sadolah The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Learning Arabic Listening Skill [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 227-254]

  • Homayouni, Zeinab The study of Persian Clitic Left Dislocation construction in the Minimalist Program [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 39-64]

  • Hoomanfard, Mohammad Hamed A comparative study of the efficacy of teacher and peer online written corrective feedback on ِِِEFL learners' writing ability [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 327-352]

  • Hoomanfard, Mohammad Hamed Hindrances to L2 Graduate Students' Incorporation of Written Feedback into their Academic Texts [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 219-246]

  • Hooshmand, Enayat The Mechanisms of the Representation of Ecology in Folk Poems of Mamasani Variety of Lori: A Discursive - Cognitive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 131-160]

  • Horabadi Farahani, Fatemeh The Analysis of Linguistic-gender Features of Characters in Iranian Contemporary Cinema Based on Social Actor’s Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Hosaini, Maryam A Social Semiotic Analysis of One Screenplay: The Glass Agency [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 55-75]

  • Hoseingholian, Mitra Revision and classification of past participles with the typological prototype approach [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 33-63]

  • Hoseini, Laila Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Hoseini, Seed Mohammad Disagreement Strategies among Male and Female University Students [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 65-90]

  • Hosini, Amir The Structural, Semantics and Syntactic Characteristics of the Compound Preposition in Persian and Russian Language [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 49-65]

  • Hosini, Mohammad Zya The study of the relationship between the interactive input from mothers with background knowledge in child´s narrative [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 65-82]

  • Hosini, Zahra sadat The Teaching of Homophone and Homograph Words to Non-Persian Learners through Short Story [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 45-64]

  • Hosini Otaghsarayi, Somaye The Relationship between Locus of Control, Test Anxiety, Sex, and Listening Comprehension Test Performance of Iranian Undergraduate EFL Students [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 57-74]

  • Hossain, Gholam Some Dialectal Features in the Structure of Verbs of the Formative Period Texts [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 143-174]

  • Hossaini, Aghafatemeh Comparative Study of Iranian Medical Journals in English and Those of Two English-speaking Countries Nasrin Sayfouri[1] Abbas Ali Rezaee[2] Agha Fatemeh Hosseini[3] [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 103-122]

  • Hosseini, Hannah Singular concord in Kalhori Kurdish: A distributed morphology approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Hosseini, Sayedeh Zeinab Investigating the borrowing of prepositions and pronouns in Kalhori Kurdish in Kurdish-Farsi bilinguals [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 227-255]

  • Hosseini, Zahrasadat The effectiveness of conceptual mapping instruction on improving reading skills and motivation of Persian language learners [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 107-135]

  • Hosseini-Maasoum, Seyed Mohammad Extraposition as a Constituency Test for Syntactic Structures in Persian [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 65-83]

  • Hosseinpoor Damirchian, Rana Acoustic Analysis of Temporal parameters of Affricates constriction in Turkish Language spoken in Tabriz [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 33-53]


  • Ilkhani, Narges Lexicalization of The Semantic Dimensions of Modality in Persian Modal Adjectives Negin Ilkhanipour[1] Gholamhosein Karimi-Doostan2 [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 65-87]

  • Imani, Ava A constructional study of the compounds of body part “Sar” (head) in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 129-159]

  • Imani, Ava A Contrastive Study of Superlative Comparison Schemas in Persian and English: A Cognitive-Typological Account [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 65-97]

  • Imani, َAva A Gender-and Age-based Study of “Taboo Words” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 77-103]

  • Imani, Zolfa A Construction Morphology Approach to the Analysis of Compound Adjectives Made of Sāz (Builder) in Persian [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 205-220]

  • Imanverdi, Azadeh The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]

  • Iranmanesh, Ahmad Frame-based approach in translating cultural elements: A case study of the Persian dubbing of Charming [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 125-147]

  • Ishany, Tahereh A Comparative Analysis of Cohesive Devices in the Ghazals of Hafez and Sa'di and its Influence on Cohesion of the text [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 9-35]

  • Izadpanah, Siros The effect of the Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) on PFL learners' Autonomy and Self-efficacy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Izanloo, Ali A Semantic Study of “xordan” based on The Basic Meaning of “accepting” [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 125-142]

  • Izanloo, Ali Evaluation of telling narrative between children and adults based on Talmy’s motion event [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 59-76]

  • Izanloo, Ali The Analysis of Some Verbal Cues to Deception in Near-death Experiences [(Articles in Press)]


  • Jafari, Fatemeh Common writing errors of Non-Persian language learners in general level Case Study of Imam Khomeini International University Language Center [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 177-204]

  • Jafari, Mahdis Interactional resources in letter writing of elementray young EFL learners: An investigation of the effects of writer's gender and text language [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 219-248]

  • Jafari, Omid Ideological Investigation of Interpretation of Iranian president’s Speech in the UN: English Interpretation of Presstv Channel of Iran and France 24 of France [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 7-21]

  • Jafari, Sakine The effect of the Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) on PFL learners' Autonomy and Self-efficacy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Jafari, Sakine The Study of the Morpho-phonological Processes in zanjani Turkish based on Optimality Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Jafari, Zeynab The Vowel Space of Persian Nasalized Vowels [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 297-324]

  • Jafari, Zinab An acoustic study of frequency area of antiformant in Persian nasals [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 33-58]

  • Jafarifar, Arezou Comparing the discourse of patients with Alzheimer (at the early and middle stages of disease) and Persian-speaking normal individuals: A linguistic and pragmatic approach [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 253-287]

  • Jafari gohar, Manochehr Training Iranian High school Students to Use Test-taking Strategies in a High-Stakes Test [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-24]

  • Jafarigohar, Manoochehr Hindrances to L2 Graduate Students' Incorporation of Written Feedback into their Academic Texts [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 219-246]

  • Jafarzadeh, Maryam A Content Analysis of Themes in Persian Curses [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 189-212]

  • Jafarzadeh, Maryam The Cultuling of Insult in the Teenage Novel Based on the Heims' approach (The case study of Abnabat Collection) [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 143-161]

  • Jahanbani, Zahra Critical Discourse Analysis in the Narratives of Women under Domestic Violence Based on Van Leeuwen’s Social Actors (2008) [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 85-110]

  • Jahangiri, Nader Representing Future Conceptualization in Persian Utterances in the Framework of Default Semantics [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 8-31]

  • Jahani, Zahra Introducing the Narrative-Based Emotioncy Model in Updating and Revising the Content of Coursebooks Featuring History of Persian Language [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 155-188]

  • Jahani, Zahra Examining Students’ Language Preferences: A Case Study of Sublime, Emo-Sensory and Simple Styles [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Jalaei, Maryam A Comparative Study between Proverbs of the Two Plays of Shakespeare and Their Arabic and Persian Translations: "Eight Translations of Hamlet" and "Four Translations of The Taming of the Shrew" [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 69-94]

  • Jalili, Seyed Akbar The Relationship between Metacognitive Strategies Awareness and Listening Comprehension of Non-Iranian Advanced Level Persian Language Learners [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 105-137]

  • Jalilifar, Alireza Hindrances to L2 Graduate Students' Incorporation of Written Feedback into their Academic Texts [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 219-246]

  • Jam, Bashir Substitution of Uvular Consonants of Arabic Loanwords in Standard Persian and Roudbari Dialect: A Comparative Study Within The Framework of Optimality Theory [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 45-66]

  • Jam, Bashir Rule Inversion in Persian: The Optional Change of /e/ to [a] in The Standard and Esfahani Accents [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 201-221]

  • Jam, Bashir Pronunciation of Ghayeni Plural Nouns with a Final Consonant Within Stratal Optimality Theory [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 99-128]

  • Jamalzahi, Farzaneh The Study of Inflectional Categories of Noun in Sarhaddi Balochi of Granchin [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 79-111]

  • Javidi, Maryam The Approach of Linked and Linkage Units in the Arabic Language [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 67-95]

  • Jediri Jamshidi, Roya Teaching Persian Verbal Networks to Non- Iranian Learners: A Comparison of their Performance in Answering to the Alternative and Inclusive Questions [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 139-163]

  • Joodi, Nayereh An overview of prosodic transcription systems: a comparison of the "Tones and Break Indices: ToBI" and " Rhythm and Pitch: RaP" [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 257-284]


  • Kacekhani, Farnaz Indeterminacy of Signs and Poetic Translation [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 133-153]

  • Kaivanpanah Maralani, Shiva An investigation of the effect of oral feedback On the writing skill of L2 learners and their views about it [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 111-133]

  • Kajani hesari, Hojjat The narrative analysis of the "Persians" by Aeschylus Based on Roland Bart's structural viewpoint [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 83-104]

  • Kalantari, Reza A Study on Reading Proficiency of First Grade Students at Turkish-Persian Bilingual and Persian Monolingual Regions [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 299-325]

  • Kalantari, Reza Exploring Linguistic similarities and differences in designing preschool language learning model based on the type of bilingualism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Kalantari Khandani, Ezatollah A Critical Discourse Analysis of Trump’s tweets based on Van Dijk Model [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 131-156]

  • Kalantari Khandani, Ezatollah Investigating Quranic anger conceptual metaphors based on basic emotion and conceptual act theories [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 35-64]

  • Kalashi, Nahide The Place of Grammar in Language Teaching from a Cultural Perspective [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 123-142]

  • Kamali Moqadam, Hamid The Function of Speech Acts in an Allegory of Mathnavi Mavavi [(Articles in Press)]

  • Kamari, Elahe Development of causal coherence in the narrative discourse of monolingual Persian-speaking children [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 151-175]

  • Kamboziya, Aalieh The Role of Phonological Strength in the Occurrence of Fortition Processes in Persian Languages Based on the Approaches of Foley and Vennemann [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 213-231]

  • Kanani, Ebrahim The Other and its Role in Rumi’s Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 253-279]

  • Karachi, Roh angiz An Etymological and Comparative Study of Firuzabadi Dialect Words [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 81-99]

  • Karami, Atiyeh Evidentiality in the interrogator's Persuasion [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 281-307]

  • Karbaschi, Roza Head of the Inflection phrase in Persian [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 99-141]

  • Karimi, Amin Stative and Non-Stative Adjectives in Persian [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 59-78]

  • Karimi, Yadegar Ezafe Construction at The Syntax – Phonology Interface [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 173-193]

  • Karimi, Yadegar A Smuggling Approach to the Passive Structure in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 99-124]

  • Karimi, Yadgar Analyzing the Syntax of Ergativity: Evidence From Kurdish [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 177-209]

  • Karimi, Yadgar Conjoined Multiple WH-Questions in Persian: Typo-syntactic analysis [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 159-177]

  • Karimi, Yadgar Structural Parallelism in TP and DP: Case and Agreement in Azeri Turkish [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 301-324]

  • Karimi, Yadgar Analyzing the Discourse Functions of Abbas Maroufi’s The Year of Turmoil: A Faircloughian Approach [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 157-184]

  • Karimi Alavijeh, Khadijeh Digital Citizenship Perceptions and Practices among Iranian EFL Learners: A Netnographic Inquiry [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 385-414]

  • Karimibavaryani, Zahra The Role of Phonological Strength in the Occurrence of Fortition Processes in Persian Languages Based on the Approaches of Foley and Vennemann [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 213-231]

  • Karimi Doostan, Gholamhossein Structural Parallelism in TP and DP: Case and Agreement in Azeri Turkish [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 301-324]

  • Karimi Doostan, Gholamhossein Using Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) To Recognize Meanings of Zadan [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 151-176]

  • Karimidostan, Gholamhossain Lexicalization of The Semantic Dimensions of Modality in Persian Modal Adjectives Negin Ilkhanipour[1] Gholamhosein Karimi-Doostan2 [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 65-87]

  • Karimidostan, Golamhosen A Syntactico-semantic Study of Kurdish (Sorani dialect) Circumpositions Based on Nanosyntax [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 107-138]

  • Karimi Dostan, Gholamhossein Semiotic Categorization of Fantastic Subject in Child Story: based on Conceptual Blending Theory [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 177-195]

  • Karimi Dustan, Gholam Hosain A Study of the Factors Influencing the Presence or Absence of “râ” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 225-252]

  • Karimlou, Naimeh The repetition process in Sarraute's dramatic works, the verbal language's dynamics or its stagnation? [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 237-256]

  • Karimzadeh, Abdollah Double consciousness-oriented linguistics practices among diasporic writers in two novels: “To see and to see again” and “Funny in Farsi” [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 203-217]

  • Karshenas, Hossein Providing a suitable method for allophonic labeling of speech corpuses according to the IPA system [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 185-212]

  • Kashi, Nazanin Re-conceptualizing the SIOP Model: Optimizing Academic Language Instruction for Mathematics with International Learners [(Articles in Press)]

  • Kasikhan, Hamid Reza Comparative scrutiny of magical realism elements in Gunter Grass’s “The Tin Drum” and Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude” [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 105-126]

  • Kasir, Rahim Studying Iranophobia's Language Strategies in Al Arabiya News Agency Based on the Entman Framework Theory and VanDyk's Ideological Squares [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 65-95]

  • Kazemi, Forogh A Study of a Variety of Elliptical and Marked Themes in English and Persian Physics Texts:Halliday’s Systemic Functional Grammar Perspective [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 167-204]

  • Kazemi, Foroogh Explaining the ontological and structural metaphors of the concept of "world" in the poems of Saadi and Parvin [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 99-129]

  • Kazemitabar, Mohammad Ali Stylistics Addressed by Almighty Allah to Payambar (PBUH) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 85-120]

  • Keikhaie, Yahya literal and figurative language processing: an event-related potential (ERP) study [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 131-150]

  • Ketabi, Saeed An Investigation into the Effect of Content Representation and Gender on Learners' Short-Term Memory: A Study of Cell-Phone Assisted Vocabulary Learning [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-64]

  • Keyvani, Alireza The effect of the Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) on PFL learners' Autonomy and Self-efficacy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Khademi, Molok Study of Writing Instruction in Reading and Writing Textbooks of Primary School Based on the Process Approach and the Intended Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 27-48]

  • Khadivi, Asadollah A Study on Reading Proficiency of First Grade Students at Turkish-Persian Bilingual and Persian Monolingual Regions [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 299-325]

  • Khak Negar Moghadam, Nahal Application of Information Technology and Communication in French Language Teaching- Learning in Iran: A Case of e-Learning [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 53-69]

  • Khaleghi, Mohammad Reza literal and figurative language processing: an event-related potential (ERP) study [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 131-150]

  • Khaleqi, Zahra A Gender-and Age-based Study of “Taboo Words” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 77-103]

  • Khalessi, Mahmood English Language Cultural Bias in the Process of Globalization: Analysis of Interchange Series [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 151-178]

  • Khalifehloo, Sayed Farid Description and analysis of ideological structures in family court discourse, divorce demanding women¸ based on Van Dijk (2006) [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 31-58]

  • Khamse Ashari, Maryam Syntactic Representation of predicational copular clauses in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Khanabadi, Tahereh The effect of language type on the students’ writing skills: a case of the undergraduate students of Arabic language and literature at Arak University [(Articles in Press)]

  • Khani, Reza Metadiscourse Markers in Applied Linguistics RAs Published in International and Local Journals [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 77-102]

  • Khani, Reza Trends of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Research Articles between 1986 and 2015 [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 87-109]

  • Khan Jan, Alireza An Optimality Theory Analysis of Hypocoristic Formation in the Standard Persian [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 7-39]

  • Khanjani, Leila Causality in the Persian Language (from Bondarko’s St.Petersborgian School of Applied Grammar) [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 209-226]

  • Khanmohammadi, Mostafa Movement in Syntactic Edges and Cyclic Linearization Approache : Evidence from Scrambling in Kalhuri Kurdish [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 209-229]

  • Khaqani, Mohammad The Approach of Linked and Linkage Units in the Arabic Language [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 67-95]

  • Khazaie, Saeed An Investigation into the Effect of Content Representation and Gender on Learners' Short-Term Memory: A Study of Cell-Phone Assisted Vocabulary Learning [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-64]

  • Khazaie, Saeed Educational Didactics in Teaching Foreign Language Reading Comprehension Skills to Youth Community of Practice through Social Robot's Augmented Reality [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Kheirabadi, Masume cultural conceptualization in Persian children's stories: a cognitive study [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 297-317]

  • Kheirabadi, Masumeh The study of Cohesion markers in Children Stories and poems of [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 32-61]

  • Kheirabadi, Reza The study of Cohesion markers in Children Stories and poems of [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 32-61]

  • Khirabadi, Masome Presence and Absence of Verb in Iranian Newspaper Headlines: A Critical Discourse Analytic Study [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 1-19]

  • Khodadadian, Mahdi Teachers’ View on Using Literary Texts with Cultural Features to Teach Persian to Non-Persian Language Learners [(Articles in Press)]

  • Khodadadian, Mehdi The Effect of Vocabulary Knowledge and Background Knowledge on Reading Comprehension among Non Iranian Persian learners [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 195-217]

  • Khodaei Moghaddam, Massoumeh Describing and analysing of some polite words in Persian based on Brown and Levinson’ s politeness theory [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 25-53]

  • Khormaee, Alireza Analysis of the text coherence model in Persian language of science and its representation in Persian language teaching texts with academic purpose: a corpus based approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 281-311]

  • Khosh bakht, Tayebe The study of the relationship between the interactive input from mothers with background knowledge in child´s narrative [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 65-82]

  • Khosh-Harf, Majid Comparing Critical Thinking and Autonomy Instruction in Speaking Classes [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 241-265]

  • Khoshkhoo, Rafee The Effect of Front and Back Vowel Features on Peak Alignment of Nucleus of Pitch Accent in Standard and Isfahani Persian [(Articles in Press)]

  • Khoshkhounejad, Amir Ali The Role of Some Individual Differences in Metaphorical Comprehension of Time in Persian: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 213-243]

  • Khosravi, Robab An Investigation of Non-Persian Learners ' Creativity and Ability in Recognizing Metaphors in Persian Language [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 59-73]

  • Kiashemshaki, Leila Assessment of Course Book "Farsi Shirin Ast" Based on the Cunningsworth's indices [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 147-169]

  • Kivanlo shahrestanaki, Zahra English and Persian academic lectures: A corpus-driven investigation of distinguishing between important and unimportant information in SOKHAN and BASE corpora [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 25-44]

  • Kolahduz Mohamadi, Mandana Syntactic Frameworks and Discourse Functions of Lexical Antonymy in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 149-177]

  • Koohgard, Ali Gender Bias in the Books "Persian of Iran Today" and " First Step": A Corpus-Based Study [(Articles in Press)]

  • Korani, Akram The effect of Bilingualism on Language Development: An Evidence from Kalhori Kurdish and Persian Bilingual Children [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 129-149]

  • Kord Zaferanlu Kambuziya, Aliye cultural conceptualization in Persian children's stories: a cognitive study [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 297-317]

  • Kosha, Mansour A Descriptive Study of the Rhetoric in Persian Expository Writings: [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 127-143]

  • Koushki, Fatemeh Semantic analysis of pish0 prefix in Persian Language: cognitive linguistics approach [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 137-166]

  • Koushki, Fatemeh Feeling the emotion of Hate Conceptual Metonymies of the Emotional Concept of "Hate": Cognitive-Neuro-Biological Analysis [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 7-26]


  • Levinsohn, .Stephen H An Investigation of the Hortatory Texts in Persian Medical Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 127-158]


  • Madani, Davood The impact of gender on the type and frequency of using English vocabulary learning strategies among the students of Islamic Azad university District 5 [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 181-200]

  • Madarshahiyan, Sara Role of Topic Shift and Violence of Grice Principles in Interrogation: Forensic Linguistics [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 101-132]

  • Mahdavi, Fereshteh A Comparative Analysis of Intonation on Interrogative Utterances in Isfahani and Tehrani Colloquial Varieties in RFC Model [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 123-143]

  • Mahjob, Zirak Speech Acts in Ta'ziye & Their Realizations in Performance [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 20-48]

  • Mahmoodi, Solmaz An Acoustic Account of Turkic Vowels [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 227-255]

  • Mahmoodi Bakhtiari, Behrooz Representational Complexity of Persian Absolute tenses during listening Comprehension [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 55-80]

  • Mahmoodzade, Zahra The recognition of nasal-stop distinction in adverse listening conditions [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 45-60]

  • Mahmoodzadeh, Zahra A Case Study of Phonetic Reduction in Persian Telephonic Numerals [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 110-134]

  • Mahmoodzahi, Moosa The Study of Inflectional Categories of Noun in Sarhaddi Balochi of Granchin [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 79-111]

  • Makaremi, Zhaleh The interaction of achievement verbs and grammatical aspect in Persian [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 199-225]

  • Maleki, Sima Stylistic Characteristics of Total Reduplication in Suvašun and buf-e kur [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 85-105]

  • Malekimoghaddam, Ardeshir Grammaticalization in Azerbaijani Turkish: A Case Study of Postpositions [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 69-89]

  • Malekimoghaddam, Ardeshir The Effect of Classroom Discourse-based Language Games on Children's Vocabulary Size [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 47-62]

  • Malekiyan, Masoumeh A Comparison of Language Development in Persian and Persian-Turkish Children Using PDSS as a Morpho-Syntactic Index [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 223-248]

  • Malek Mohamadi, Reza Prospect II: A Textbook Evaluation Study based on EFL Teachers’ Perspective [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 7-32]

  • Mansouri, Mehrzad A Phonological Analysis of the Past Stem Of Persian Verbs [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 211-237]

  • Marandi, Seyede susan Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs about Culture and its Reflection on Teaching English Language [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 143-174]

  • Marashi, Hamid Comparing Critical Thinking and Autonomy Instruction in Speaking Classes [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 241-265]

  • Masboogh, Seyyed mehdi Reading the moral concepts of Nahj ah-Balaghah based on conversational implicative [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 137-166]

  • Masboogh, Seyyed mehdi Critique and analysis of cultural elements in Ibn Arabshah’s translation of Marzbannameh based on Ivory [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 233-267]

  • Masboogh, Seyyed Mehdi Analysis of semantic components vocabulary and its application in the process of translation of Quran Case study Sura of Noor, Forghan and Shoara [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 83-115]

  • Mashhadi, Mohammad Amir The Critical Discourse Analysis of Some Inclusion Components and the Representation of Social Actors in “Bijan and Manijeh” Story: A Sociological-Semantic Approach [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 185-212]

  • Mashhady, Habibollah Derivational Structures of Words in the Sistani Dialect [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 145-161]

  • Maskinfam, Batol Derivation Akbar Al Ain and MqayysAllghh [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 139-161]

  • Masoumi, Anis Stress Deafness in Tehrani and Kermani Varieties of Persian [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 255-283]

  • Matoori, Hossein Representation of Mental Timeline in the Language Structure of Persian Speakers [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 9-32]

  • Mawlood, Bahroz Interactional Metadiscourse Markers in the Discussion and Conclusion Sections of the Research Papers in the Disciplines of Political Sciences and Religious Studies [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 221-242]

  • Mazaheri, Mehrdad The Role of Some Individual Differences in Metaphorical Comprehension of Time in Persian: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 213-243]

  • Medadian, Gholamreza an explicit classification of non-epistemic senses of tavan, shodan and bayestan based on Depraetere’s semantic-pragmatic model [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 115-148]

  • Medadian, Gholamreza Subjectivity as a Scalar and Context-Dependent Semantic Category in Persian Modality [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 147-183]

  • Mehdizade, Maryam The Study of Different Aspects of Language Ability in 5-8-year-old Autistic children Compared to their Normal Peers [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 131-150]

  • Mehrabi, Masomeh Sentence Processing and the Mental Representation Of Persian verbs [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-24]

  • Mehrabi, Masoumeh Representational Complexity of Persian Absolute tenses during listening Comprehension [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 55-80]

  • Mehrabi, Masoumeh A Semantic Analysis of Constructions Consisting of "ba"(WITH) in Persian Language [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 97-118]

  • Mehraby, Marzieh An Exploration of The Role of Age in Foreign Language Learning [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 41-56]

  • Mehran, Parisa Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs about Culture and its Reflection on Teaching English Language [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 143-174]

  • Mehrara, Hossein Sound Symbolism Continuum in Hafiz “Based on Hinton’s Framework” [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 59-85]

  • Mehri, Azar A Study of the Factors Influencing the Presence or Absence of “râ” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 225-252]

  • Memari, Mehran Representation of Mental Timeline in the Language Structure of Persian Speakers [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 9-32]

  • Mesgari, Banafsheh Persian Onomatopoeias: An Analysis Based On Iconicity [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 295-317]

  • Meshkinfam, Batool Representation of Social Actors in Iran's Nuclear agreement Discourse Based on Model Van leeuwen in Two Newspapers Al Riyadh Saudi Arabia and Tishreen Syria [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 61-86]

  • Meykade, Azam Perception of intonational contours in Persian Broca’s Aphasics [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 55-76]

  • Meykadeh, Simin The contribution of Planum Temporale in Number-Person features processing in bilinguals: An fMRI study [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 285-318]

  • Miersayedi, Atefehe The current Persian language as a sexist language [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 201-222]

  • Mirahmadi, Sayed Reza Studying Iranophobia's Language Strategies in Al Arabiya News Agency Based on the Entman Framework Theory and VanDyk's Ideological Squares [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 65-95]

  • Mirdehghan, Mahinnaz Stress-Affected LFG Account of Vafsi Clitic PAMs [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 57-89]

  • Mirfakhraie, Mahshid ِ About Two Avestan Compounds aǝm.mǝrǝṇcō و upā.θβaiieiti in Vishtasp Yasht [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 145-154]

  • Miri, Mahiheh The Effect of storytelling on the spoken Language of Children with autism (mild to moderate spectrum) [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 109-129]

  • Miri, Mohammad Saeid Metaphor Annotation Criteria: A Step towards Building a Metaphor Corpus [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 263-293]

  • Mirsaeedi, Atefesadat The Phonological Process of Consonant-to-Consonant Assimilation in Persian: An Acoustic Exploration [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 163-186]

  • Mirzaee, Azade Deponency and Syncretism in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 55-75]

  • Mirzaei, Azadeh The passives on intransitives in Persian language [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 247-266]

  • Mirzaei al-Hosaini, Sayyed Mahmoud A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LINGUISTIC UNITS ‘ADVERB’ IN ARABIC AND IN PERSIAN AND ENGLISH [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 77-101]

  • Mirzai-Nia, Saber Grammaticalization in Azerbaijani Turkish: A Case Study of Postpositions [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 69-89]

  • Mizban, Elham Relative clause extraposition in historical prose text: The NasirKhusraw Travelogue [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 181-208]

  • Moazzeni, Fatemeh The Effect of Classroom Discourse-based Language Games on Children's Vocabulary Size [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 47-62]

  • Mobasheri, Mahboubeh Parvin E’tesami’s Debates from a Social-Political Perspective, Based on Fairclough’s Paradigm [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 343-367]

  • Modarresi, Bahram Graded Finiteness of Persain Complement Clauses Based on Landau's Minimalist view and Givon's Functionalist Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Modarresi Ghavami, Golnaz Stress Deafness in Tehrani and Kermani Varieties of Persian [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 255-283]

  • Modarresi Ghavami,, Golnaz An overview of prosodic transcription systems: a comparison of the "Tones and Break Indices: ToBI" and " Rhythm and Pitch: RaP" [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 257-284]

  • Moeini sam, Behzad The Survivors of the Old Aorist Stems in the New Persian [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 177-198]

  • Moeini sam, Behzd The Suffix Evolution of “Hr” from the Indo-European to the New Persian Language [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 143-158]

  • Moeini Sam, Behzad Puhrepuhr (Grandchild) in the Shahpur’s Inscription at Haji-Abad by Comparison with Mesopotamian Texts [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 369-387]

  • Moghani, Hossein An Analysis of Onomatopoeic Words in Dashtestani Dialect: Structural and Semantic Approaches/ Negar Davari Ardakani Hossein Moghani [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 83-106]

  • Moghani, Hossein On the Optionality of Verb-Preposing in Yes-No Questions in Persian: A Minimalist Approach [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 191-216]

  • Mohaddes, Somayeh The Relationship between the Addressee’s Social Dominance and Request Strategies Usage by Iranian Teenage Students [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 149-186]

  • Mohamadi, Ali Readout and analysis of Molana’s sonnets: A Jungian perspective [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 155-179]

  • Mohamadi, Somaye Cognitive System of The Concept of Fear in Persian and Arabic Languages [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 187-212]

  • Mohamadi Zenouzagh, Zohre The effect of individual and collaborative writing on fluency, accuracy, and complexity of writing performance of Iranian intermediate learners: Mediating role of multimodal instruction [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 115-144]

  • Mohamadzade, Adel The Effectiveness of Morphological Awareness training with Play on Dyslexia in students with Specific Learning Disability [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 7-26]

  • Mohammad Ebrahimi Jahromi, Zeinab The Influence of Doctor-Patient Verbal Interaction on Patient Satisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 69-84]

  • Mohammadi, Ali The Study of Narrative and Story Elements in Kalagh Seshanbeh [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 169-202]

  • Mohammadi, Ali Mohammad A Discoursal Analysis of Functional Spectrum of Discourse Markers in Translation Criticism: Pedagogic and Research Implications in Discourse Monitoring [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 91-116]

  • Mohammadi, Ali Mohammad A Pragmatic Analysis of Co-occurrence of Discourse Markers in texts: Pragmaticalization of Fuunctions [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 119-144]

  • Mohammadi, Ali Mohammad A Pragmatic Analysis of the Process of Explicitation in Simultaneous Interpretation [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 167-195]

  • Mohammadi, Ali Mohammad A Study of the Relationship between Discoursal Elements in Parallel Corpora: A Case Study of Simultaneous Interpretation [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 239-262]

  • Mohammadi, Azad Compensatory Lengthening in Central Kurdish: An Opaque Phenomenon in Harmonic Serialism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mohammadi, Ebrahim A Case Study of an Aphasic Patient: Jacobson’s Cultural Model of Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 145-165]

  • Mohammadi, Negin Lexical retrieval in read speech: The effect of speech prosody [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 59-85]

  • Mohammadi Avandi, Behnam Puhrepuhr (Grandchild) in the Shahpur’s Inscription at Haji-Abad by Comparison with Mesopotamian Texts [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 369-387]

  • Mohammadi Avandi, Sara Puhrepuhr (Grandchild) in the Shahpur’s Inscription at Haji-Abad by Comparison with Mesopotamian Texts [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 369-387]

  • Mohammadi Bolbanabad, Sadegh Mukri Pronominal Enclitics distribution in VP: An Optimality Theoretic [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 177-205]

  • Mohammadi Hashemi, Mona Past-making Suffix in Lori Dialect of Kohgiluye and Boyerahmad and its Articulation Behaviour [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 43-64]

  • Mohammadi Malekabadi, Shahla Investigating the Female Silence in Iranian Culture Based on the Conceptual Model of Cultuling Analysis [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mohammadi Nia, Mahdi Investigating Quranic anger conceptual metaphors based on basic emotion and conceptual act theories [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 35-64]

  • Mohammadi Payvand, Pouriya Metonymy in Terms of Address in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mohammadrezaei, Ali reza A Comparative Study of Time Metaphor in Mahmoud Dolatabadi and Yusuf Idris’ Novels [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 33-63]

  • Moharrami Gheydari, Sa'eed Focalization in Azeri Turkish [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mohebi Tabar, Parvaneh A Study of Naming the Holy Defense Themes in Qeysar Aminpour’s Poetry: Halliday’s Systemic-Functional Theory [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 201-225]

  • Mojahedi Rezaeian, Setareh The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]

  • Mojiri Forushani, Amir Hosein Persian basic words based on texts by press [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 353-378]

  • Molaee kohbanani, Hamed The Study of Some Vowel Forms of Persian in Kuhbanan and Khoramdasht Regions in Kerman Province [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 33-63]

  • Mollavali, Morteza Structural Parallelism in TP and DP: Case and Agreement in Azeri Turkish [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 301-324]

  • Momeni, Fereshteh The Relationship between Incoherency of Speech and Different Type of Delusions and Hallucinations in Positive Schizophrenia [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 205-226]

  • Momeni, Fereshteh Telescoping in Phonemic Change of the Past Stems Ended by “-št”‎ [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 257-279]

  • Momeni, Negar Analysis of Language Crime of ‘Perjury/Lie’ from Forensic Linguistics’ View Points (A Case Study in Tehran’s Judicial System) [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 239-265]

  • Momeni, Negar Role of Topic Shift and Violence of Grice Principles in Interrogation: Forensic Linguistics [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 159-179]

  • Monfared, Narjes A Survey and Description of Deictic terms Usage and Understanding in the language of blind Persian speakers [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 1-24]

  • Monsef, Mahrokh Prosodic Structure of Focus in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Monsefi, Roya “Covid-19” or “the Chinese Virus”? [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 65-87]

  • Monshizade, Mojtaba Making the root, morphological, and helping causatives in Azari Turkish [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 223-264]

  • Monshizadeh, Mojtaba Passivization in Taleshi dialect (of Sehsar) [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 311-330]

  • Moosaviyan, Maryam Contextualized Text Representation Using Latent Topics for Classifying Scientific Papers [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 31-60]

  • Morad, Heba A Contrastive and Error Analysis of Lexical Errors in Persian Essays of Arab Students [(Articles in Press)]

  • Moradi, Ebrahim A Syntactico-semantic Study of Kurdish (Sorani dialect) Circumpositions Based on Nanosyntax [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 107-138]

  • Moradi, Ronak The study on power and certainty in the language of Kurdish speakers based on Lakoff's Dominance Approach [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 103-126]

  • Mosaffa Jahromi, Abolfazl Controversy over MASDAR and its Category in Persian: Approaches and Solutions [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 163-175]

  • Moshayedi, Jalil The Function of Speech Acts in an Allegory of Mathnavi Mavavi [(Articles in Press)]

  • Moshayedi, Masoud Conspiracy of some phonological processes in Persian in Optimality Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mostafavi, Pooneh Predicative Possession in Shahmirzadi Language:A typological Survey [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 171-199]

  • Mostafavi, Pooneh Lexical Similarities and differences between Kerman Turkic and Azeri Turkic (Tabriz Variety) [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 149-186]

  • Motaghizadeh, Isa The effect of language type on the students’ writing skills: a case of the undergraduate students of Arabic language and literature at Arak University [(Articles in Press)]

  • Motahari, Shahla Sexist Language in the Social Magazines of Iran: A Case Study of Four High-Circulating Magazines [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 133-157]

  • Motavallian, Rezvan A Cross Linguistic Analysis of Pro-drop Parameter in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 116-133]

  • Motavallian, Rezvan The study of Persian Clitic Left Dislocation construction in the Minimalist Program [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 39-64]

  • Motavallian, Rezvan Syntactic Representation of predicational copular clauses in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Motia, Mahdi A Semiotic Discourse Analysis of Surat Al-Naba’ Via Stress Patterns [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 119-148]

  • Motia, Mahdi Analysis of the Tensive Discourse System in Imam Ali (AS) ’s Letters to Mu’awiyah in Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 89-113]

  • Motlagh, Adeleh Study of Writing Instruction in Reading and Writing Textbooks of Primary School Based on the Process Approach and the Intended Curriculum [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 27-48]

  • Mousavi, Seyed Hamzeh A Cross-Linguistic Study of Near Synonymy of Visual Verbs in Persian, English, German and French Based on Frame Semantics [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 227-262]

  • Mousavi b., Mohamad Exploring conceptual metaphors and visual schemas Place envelope " Fogh" In Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 49-76]

  • Mousavi Razavi, Mir Saeed Retranslation and Development of the Translator's Translation Competence over Time: A Case Study of Saleh Hosseini’s Works [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 9-31]

  • Mowlaei Kuhbanani, Hamed The Role of Typological features of Relative Structure on Determining Persian Word Order [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 87-114]

  • Mowlaei Kuhbanani, Hamed A Comparative Study of Naturalistic Tendencies in Works by Sadegh Chubak and Jack London: A Functional Linguistics Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mowlaei Kuhbanani, Hamed Evaluation of Persian Civil Engineering Equivalents Represented by Academy of Persian Language and Literature [(Articles in Press)]

  • Mozafari, Soodabe Recognizing translation difficulties of (Ma) similar to (laisa) in the first and second parts of the Holy Qur’an (Based on the theory of Carmen Grosses) [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 9-34]

  • Mozafari, Soudabeh Cognitive analysis of the element of movement in Kahf Surah based on Talmy theory [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 69-95]

  • Mozaffari, Zahra Vocatives and Vocative Particles in the Syntax-pragmatics Interface in Persian [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 235-256]


  • Nabati, Shahram Analysis of Spelling Errors of Persian-Speaking Learners of Russian [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 97-118]

  • Nabian, Pantea Discursive –semiotics criticism of Personification as a process in literary discourse: A case study of “a bunch of flowers” by Choobak’. [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 25-58]

  • Nabifar, Shima The role of memory in phonological and syntactic processing in the process of reading in normal and dyslexic Persian children [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 249-279]

  • Nabi Far, Nesa Making the root, morphological, and helping causatives in Azari Turkish [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 223-264]

  • Naebi, Yaghoub The structure and discourse analysis of acknowledgments in Persian M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 105-127]

  • Nafissi, Zohreh Upgrading reading comprehension skill level of EFL students via assessment of portfolio by drawing concept maps [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 127-147]

  • Naghizadeh, Mahmod A linguistic Study of image schemas in the body of proverbs in northern Khuzestan in Dezfuli Dialect [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 111-138]

  • Naghizadeh, Mahmood Puhrepuhr (Grandchild) in the Shahpur’s Inscription at Haji-Abad by Comparison with Mesopotamian Texts [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 369-387]

  • Naghizadeh, Mahmood An inquiry into Meaning Extension of Persian Taste Terms in Golestan Saadi:A Cognitive- Semantic Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 189-221]

  • Naghzgouy- Kohan, Mehrdad Effects of person and number hierarchies on development of personal reflexive pronouns in New Persian [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 89-114]

  • Naghzguy Kohan, Mehrdad Typology of conditional construction in New Persian language [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 187-212]

  • Naghzguy-Kohan, Mehrdad The study of relative clause schema in Persian language with data mining methods [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 39-64]

  • Nagzgujekohan, Mehrdad Inflectional "-i" morpheme and its use through the history of new persian [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 163-179]

  • Najafi, Parisa Equative constructions in Persian language [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 243-267]

  • Najafi, Parisa Equative construction in Turkic Azarbaijani [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 149-171]

  • Najafian, Arezoo The study of Persian compound adjectives on the basis of conceptual blending theory [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 167-197]

  • Najafi Eazoki, Masomeh The Effect of Aspect on the Appearance of "ra " [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 217-236]

  • Najafi ivaki, Ali Function of Dialogic Beat in Mahmoud Teymour’s drama “Shelter No. 13” (With an approach on basic linguistic theory of Paul.c. Castango) [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 243-267]

  • Najafi Ivaki, Ali A Formalist Criticismm of Qase’eh Sermon [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 7-42]

  • Najafi Pazoki, Masoumeh Basic sentence structures in the children (10-12) texts based on the Dependency Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 169-199]

  • Namvar fargi, Mojtaba Semantic Sphere: A new approach to the theory of Semantic Networks [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-34]

  • Naseri, Zohreh Sadat The Rhetorical Structure of Introductions in English Review Articles [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 167-188]

  • Naseri, Zohreh Sadat Pronunciation of Ghayeni Plural Nouns with a Final Consonant Within Stratal Optimality Theory [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 99-128]

  • Nasib Zarraby, Fahimeh A Semantic Study of “xordan” based on The Basic Meaning of “accepting” [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 125-142]

  • Nasiri, Hafez The Evaluation of Arabic into Persian Translated Texts [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 71-107]

  • Nasiri, Hafez Cultural Value of Translating Proverbs & Ironies (Arabic- Persian) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 167-184]

  • Nasiri, Rooh allah A Semiotic Discourse Analysis of Surat Al-Naba’ Via Stress Patterns [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 119-148]

  • Nasiri, Rooh Allah Analysis of the Tensive Discourse System in Imam Ali (AS) ’s Letters to Mu’awiyah in Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 89-113]

  • Nasrolahzade, Sirous The Confrontation of Iran and Rome in the Sasanian era according to Šāpur Inscription on (ŠKZ) [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 135-164]

  • Navarchi, Atefe from image to imagination [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 67-84]

  • Navarchi, Atefeh The Communicative Approach Revisited: Learning Oral expression and Mor [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 145-162]

  • Navidinia, Hossein Pronunciation problems of children with speech delay in the initial, middle and final positions of words: Evidence from Persian-speaking girls and boys aged 3 to 8 years in Birjand [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 213-233]

  • Nazardonyavi, Sara A Social Semiotic Analysis of One Screenplay: The Glass Agency [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 55-75]


  • Nazari, Alireza An Exploration of Repetition in the Cohesion of Sermons of Nahj al-Balagha (Based on Halliday & Hassan's cohesion model) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 37-61]

  • Nazari Robati, Fatemeh Zahra Translation of slang in "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid" and "The Brilliant World of Tom Gates" Novels. [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 161-182]

  • Nazari Robati, Fatemeh Zahra Comparative Analysis of Translation of Taboos in Hezareh and Arianpour Dictionaries [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 95-120]

  • Nazari Robati, Fatemeh Zahra Postcolonial Analysis of Laughing without Accent and Its Translation Applying Linguistic Appropriation Approach [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 229-248]

  • Nazarzadeh, Shaghayegh Women in Two Governments: Discourse Analysis of Women Status Discourse Analysis of Women Status [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 135-165]

  • Negaresh, Mohammad Quranic Intertextuality in Poetry of Abo-tammam Taee [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 149-169]

  • Neisani, Mozhgan A Syntactic and Pragmatic Study of Cleft Constructions in Persian: An RRG Analysis [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 23-51]

  • Nejadansari Mahabadi, Daryoosh an explicit classification of non-epistemic senses of tavan, shodan and bayestan based on Depraetere’s semantic-pragmatic model [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 115-148]

  • Nejadmohammad, Vahid Louis-Ferdinand Celine or the Representation of Slang: The Rebellion of the Lexicon and the Suspense Of Writing [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 1-26]

  • Nemati, Azadeh Mystification Rate in Persian and English News Articles: A Case Study of the US Presidential Election in 2016 [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 175-193]

  • Nemati, Fatemeh The effect of cochlear implantation on the acoustic features of Farsi vowels by hearing-impaired children [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 139-163]

  • Nemati, Mahboobeh Designing and Training of Interactive Multimedia Software based on Meyer's learning Theory and its effect on reading comprehension skill to Non-Persian Speakers [(Articles in Press)]

  • Nemat Tabrizi, Amir Reza Training Iranian High school Students to Use Test-taking Strategies in a High-Stakes Test [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-24]

  • Nemat Tabrizi, Amir Reza Effect of L1-mediated focus-on-form instruction on English language learners' oral production [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 165-184]

  • Nematzade, Shahin Levels of Complexity of OO and SO Type Relative Clauses in Preschool Persian Speaking Children [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 119-143]

  • Nematzade, Shahin The study of the relationship between the interactive input from mothers with background knowledge in child´s narrative [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 65-82]

  • Nematzade, Shahin The application of MIPVU procedure for identifying metaphors in Persian: teacher-student discourse in 1st and 2nd grade of primary schools [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 173-201]

  • Niazi, Shahriar Cultural Value of Translating Proverbs & Ironies (Arabic- Persian) [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 167-184]

  • Niazi, Shahriar Analysis of Translation of the novel "alshehaz" based on the theoretical model Winnie and Darblnh [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 49-72]

  • Niazi, Shahriar A Study of the Efficiency of Berman's Model in the Assessment of Qur'an Translation; A case study of Rationalization tendency [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 111-138]

  • Niazi, Shahryar Study of discourse-semantic structures in Arabia Alhayat newspaper with emphasis on Van Dijk schema [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 331-355]

  • Nikgohar, Fatemeh Lexicography for Dialects [1] :A Case Sstudy of Lexicography in Guilaki [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 65-96]

  • Nikmanesh, Mehdi The Influence of Feminine Writing in the Book ‘Da’ [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 229-253]

  • Nikmanesh, Mehdi The Main Types of Linguistic Deviation of Nima's Poem [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 121-148]

  • Niknasab, Leila A Constructional Account of Word Formation in Persian: Evidence from Compounding [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 165-186]

  • Nilipour, Reza Modality- and Task-Specific Impairments in Speaking and Reading: A Case Report From Persian [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 9-30]

  • Noorbakhsh, Mandana Perception of Voice Onset Time (VOT) in Standard Persian Initial Stops [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 173-203]

  • Noorbakhsh, Sohila Representing Future Conceptualization in Persian Utterances in the Framework of Default Semantics [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 8-31]

  • Norbakhsh, Mondana Uvular Consonant in Standard Persian [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 151-170]

  • Noruzi, Hamed Some Dialectal Features in the Structure of Verbs of the Formative Period Texts [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 143-174]

  • Noruz kermanshahi, Pariya Relationship between language, religion and culture: research and analysis of the functions of the Hajji and related terms in Persian language [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 27-51]

  • Nosrati, Ardalan Analysis of Spelling Errors of Persian-Speaking Learners of Russian [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 97-118]

  • Nourbakhsh, Mandana Acoustic Analysis of Temporal parameters of Affricates constriction in Turkish Language spoken in Tabriz [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 33-53]

  • Nourizadeh, Nargess An Quranic approah toward developing materials for English langauge teaching: the concept of water [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 205-228]

  • Nourzadeh, Saeed The relationship among self-efficacy, self-concept, and burnout among Iranian EFL teachers: A structural equation modelling analysis [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 33-55]

  • Nowrouzi, Mehdi Upgrading reading comprehension skill level of EFL students via assessment of portfolio by drawing concept maps [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 127-147]


  • Oghabi, Maryam Developing sociocultural plagiarism questionnaire: From awareness to actual commitment of Iranian academia in English writing [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 39-68]

  • Okati, Farideh The imperfect aspect in Persian based on the prototype theory [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 219-241]

  • Omidi Oskoui, Sedighe Fifties Stamps discourse from the Applied Semantics Perspective Based on Van Leeuwen Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 267-295]

  • Oroji, Mohammadreza Evaluation of the Speaker's Politeness based on Unequal Social Status and the Gender of the Audience with Equal Social Status in the University Environment [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 9-32]

  • Oroji, Mohammad Reza An Investigation on The Stylistics Characteristics of The Bank’s Facility Contracts [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 249-270]

  • Oroji, Mohammad Reza The Study of the Autistics Children's speech based on Interpersonal and textual metafunctions in the Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 65-88]

  • Oroji, Mohammad Reza The effect of the Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) on PFL learners' Autonomy and Self-efficacy [(Articles in Press)]

  • Oroji, Mohammad Reza The Study of the Morpho-phonological Processes in zanjani Turkish based on Optimality Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Oroji, Mohammad Reza Focalization in Azeri Turkish [(Articles in Press)]

  • Osmani, Mozhgan A Smuggling Approach to the Passive Structure in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 99-124]

  • Otroshi, Mohammad Hosin An Exploration of The Role of Age in Foreign Language Learning [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 41-56]

  • Ouliaei nia, Helen A Comparative Lexical and Terminological study of the Element of the Plot and Its Exponents in Arabic and Persian [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 131-172]

  • Oveisi Kahkha, Saeid A Critical Discourse Analysis of “Rostam and Esfandiyar” Story of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh Based on Van Dijk’s (2006) Ideological Square [(Articles in Press)]


  • Pahlevan nezhad, Mohammad reza An investigation on the Mood Structure of Jihad Lecture in Nahj- albalagheh Based on the Interpersonal Metafunction of functional Theory [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 62-79]

  • Pahlevannezhad, Mohammad reza Semantic Sphere: A new approach to the theory of Semantic Networks [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 1-34]

  • Pahlevan Nezhad, Mohammad Reza The Teaching of Homophone and Homograph Words to Non-Persian Learners through Short Story [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 45-64]

  • Pakatchi, Ahmad The Process of Meaning-Formation for East and West: Typology of Formulas [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 1-20]

  • Paknezhad, Mohammad A linguistic Study of image schemas in the body of proverbs in northern Khuzestan in Dezfuli Dialect [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 111-138]

  • Paknezhad, Mohammad A linguistic Study of image schemas in the body of proverbs in northern Khuzestan in Dezfuli Dialect [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 111-138]

  • Parmon, Yadollah Past-making Suffix in Lori Dialect of Kohgiluye and Boyerahmad and its Articulation Behaviour [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 43-64]

  • Parmon, Yadollah The Study of Some Vowel Forms of Persian in Kuhbanan and Khoramdasht Regions in Kerman Province [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 33-63]

  • Parsa, Sayyed Ahmad Analyzing the Discourse Functions of Abbas Maroufi’s The Year of Turmoil: A Faircloughian Approach [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 157-184]

  • Parsa, Sayyes ahmad The quality of representation of discourse actors in Arash Kamangir's poetry based on Van Leeuwen's model (1996) [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 197-226]

  • Parsaei, Hossein The study of modality in the novel of "My Dear Husband" by Fariba Kalhor based on Fowler’s view [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 327-352]

  • Parsayin, Fahime Critical Discourse Analysis of Konkoor (University Entrance Exam) Commercials by Preparatory Institutes: The Case of Modaresan Sharif, Parseh, and Mahan Institutes [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 301-326]

  • Partovi, Masoumeh Basic sentence structures in the children (10-12) texts based on the Dependency Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 169-199]

  • Parvin, Norudin Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 183-209]

  • Parvini, Khalil An Exploration of Repetition in the Cohesion of Sermons of Nahj al-Balagha (Based on Halliday & Hassan's cohesion model) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 37-61]

  • Pashaei, Mohammad reza The narrative analysis of the "Persians" by Aeschylus Based on Roland Bart's structural viewpoint [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 83-104]

  • Pashazanoos, Ahmad A Case Study of the Characteristics of Nahhas’s ‘I'rab al-Quran’ and Okbari’s ’Emla’o ma Manna behe al-Rahman’ [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 71-91]

  • Peshghadam, Reza Examining the Cultuling of Iranians' Concerns for Others: From Apathy to Metapathy [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 41-75]

  • Piranishal, Ali Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Piri, Somaye An Investigation of Non-Persian Learners ' Creativity and Ability in Recognizing Metaphors in Persian Language [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 59-73]

  • Pirouz, Mohamad Reza The Classification of the Embedded Clauses in Control Constructions in Persian [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 127-156]

  • Pirouz, Mohammadreza The Case of PRO [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 29-54]

  • Pirzad, Naser Describing the Inflectional Features of Tense, Person, and Number in Simple Verbs of the Mazandarani Language [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 195-216]

  • Pishghadam, Reza Relationship between language, religion and culture: research and analysis of the functions of the Hajji and related terms in Persian language [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 27-51]

  • Pishghadam, Reza Examining the Effects of Emotioncy-based Language Instruction on Non-Persian Language Learners’ Level of Cultural Intelligence [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 55-82]

  • Pishghadam, Reza Lexical binaries in Ferdowsi’s Shahname and their use in teaching Farsi [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 117-145]

  • Pishghadam, Reza Examining Students’ Language Preferences: A Case Study of Sublime, Emo-Sensory and Simple Styles [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 9-37]

  • Pishghadam, Reza An Investigation into Blame Cultuling and Just Cultuling in Iranian Culture [(Articles in Press)]

  • Pishvaiialavi, Mohsen Function of Dialogic Beat in Mahmoud Teymour’s drama “Shelter No. 13” (With an approach on basic linguistic theory of Paul.c. Castango) [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 243-267]

  • Poloie, Massumeh Semantic relations in the argot language of youth [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 281-309]

  • Pooshaneh, Atena The Comparative Study on word- Formation Processes in Two Decades of 1340 & 1370 AP in Political Genre of Press [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 1-31]

  • Porsiah, Farkhonde speech act of criticism from a sociolinguistics point of view [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 27-47]

  • Pourdana, Natasha Developing sociocultural plagiarism questionnaire: From awareness to actual commitment of Iranian academia in English writing [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 39-68]

  • Pourebrahim, Shirin The Conceptualizations of, life in Quranic Language [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 63-83]

  • Pourebrahim, Shirin Metaphor, myth, and ideology in election headlines of Iran newspapers: an analysis based on critical metaphor theory of chartris – black (2005) [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 9-31]

  • Pourghasemian, Hossein English Language Cultural Bias in the Process of Globalization: Analysis of Interchange Series [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 151-178]

  • Pourmasjedian, Fatemeh Analysis the written style of the criminal and legal lawsuits based on the systematic functional grammar [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 311-331]

  • Poursaduqi, Sare جنگ تحمیلی پنهان: دزفول این بار در محاصره ی کلمات غریب [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 80-115]

  • Pourshahian, Bahar The study of Persian compound adjectives on the basis of conceptual blending theory [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 167-197]


  • Qasemi, Tahereh A Contrastive Move-analysis Study of the Abstracts of Humanities and Hard/Medical Sciences Based on Dudley-Evans' Model [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 203-226]


  • Rabi, Ali Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 265-297]

  • Rafiee, Adel A Study of the Semantic Network of “-gah” Suffix of Location in Persian: A Cognitive Perspective [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 103-122]

  • Rafiee Fazel, Amirabbas Modality- and Task-Specific Impairments in Speaking and Reading: A Case Report From Persian [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 9-30]

  • Rafiei, Adel A constructional study of the compounds of body part “Sar” (head) in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 129-159]

  • Rafiei, Adel The Effect of Front and Back Vowel Features on Peak Alignment of Nucleus of Pitch Accent in Standard and Isfahani Persian [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rafiei, Adel The Mechanisms of the Representation of Ecology in Folk Poems of Mamasani Variety of Lori: A Discursive - Cognitive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 131-160]

  • Raghib dost, Shahla Words, Image Schemata and Individual Differences: A Survey Based on Bodily Communication [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 29-54]

  • Raghibdost, Shahla The Relationship between Incoherency of Speech and Different Type of Delusions and Hallucinations in Positive Schizophrenia [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 205-226]

  • Raghibdost, Shahla The Production of Simple and Compound Nouns in Persian Speaking Aphasic Patients [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 177-194]

  • Raghibdost, Shahla Sentence Processing and the Mental Representation Of Persian verbs [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 1-24]

  • Raghibdost, Shahla The relationship between reading motivation and Prior knowledge and reading comprehension of Language learners [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 51-73]

  • Raghibdost, Shahla The role of semantic head and constituent position in processing root compound nouns: Evidence from normal and Broca aphasic subjects [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 269-299]

  • Raghibdoust, Shahla Prosodic Impairments of Adult Persian-Speaking Brain Damaged Patients Based on the Montreal Protocol for the Evaluation of Communication (M.E.C.) [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 39-63]

  • Raghibdoust, Shahla A Comparison of Language Development in Persian and Persian-Turkish Children Using PDSS as a Morpho-Syntactic Index [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 223-248]

  • Rahandaz, Saeed A Morphophonetic Approach to Hiatus in Spoken Persian Language [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 297-318]

  • Rahbar, Behzad An Investigation on The Stylistics Characteristics of The Bank’s Facility Contracts [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 249-270]

  • Rahbar, Behzad Evaluation of the Speaker's Politeness based on Unequal Social Status and the Gender of the Audience with Equal Social Status in the University Environment [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 9-32]

  • Rahbar, Behzad The Study of the Autistics Children's speech based on Interpersonal and textual metafunctions in the Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 65-88]

  • Rahbar, Behzad Gender Bias in the Books "Persian of Iran Today" and " First Step": A Corpus-Based Study [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rahbar, Behzad Metonymy in Terms of Address in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rahbar, Behzad The Analysis of Linguistic-gender Features of Characters in Iranian Contemporary Cinema Based on Social Actor’s Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rahimi, Afshin Sonority Dispersion of Two Consonant Clusters in Syllable Boundary Position in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 7-27]

  • Rahimi, Mansour The quality of representation of discourse actors in Arash Kamangir's poetry based on Van Leeuwen's model (1996) [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 197-226]

  • Rahimi, Mohammad A comparative study of the efficacy of teacher and peer online written corrective feedback on ِِِEFL learners' writing ability [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 327-352]

  • Rahimian, jalal An investigation into certain Persian Suffixes extracted from Tǎrix-ol-vozarǎ: natural morphology [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rahimian, jalal Persian noun phrase and its dependents [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rahimian, Jalal A Dynamic Antisymmetry Approach to pro-drop in Persian [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 113-136]

  • Rahimian, Jalal The Distribution of Wh-word in Single Wh-Questions in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 129-150]

  • Rahimian, Jalal Representing Identity and Otherness in the First Inaugural Speech of the Elected Presidents: Case Study of the Elections of Iran, the USA, France [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 81-107]

  • Rahimian, Jalal Equative constructions in Persian language [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 243-267]

  • Rahimian, Jalal Equative construction in Turkic Azarbaijani [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 149-171]

  • Rahimian, Jalal Critical Discourse Analysis in the Narratives of Women under Domestic Violence Based on Van Leeuwen’s Social Actors (2008) [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 85-110]

  • Rahimian, Jalal Analysis of the text coherence model in Persian language of science and its representation in Persian language teaching texts with academic purpose: a corpus based approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 281-311]

  • Rahmani, Eshagh Making Auricular Wondering in the Arabic Speaking and Writing Languages ccording to its Equivalent Finding (Based on the books “Al-Shams Phi Yaum Ghaem” and “Zahrat al-Omr”) [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 229-250]

  • Rahmani, Zinolabedin A Case Study of an Aphasic Patient: Jacobson’s Cultural Model of Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 145-165]

  • Rahmatin, Roholah An Exploration of The Role of Age in Foreign Language Learning [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 41-56]

  • Rahmati Nejad, Leila The Optimality Theory Approach to"Partial Prefixed Reduplication" in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 233-264]

  • Raisi, Leila A Study of Learner Errors in the Translation of the Adverbial Function “ke” in Arabic [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 87-117]

  • Raisi, Lila Making Auricular Wondering in the Arabic Speaking and Writing Languages ccording to its Equivalent Finding (Based on the books “Al-Shams Phi Yaum Ghaem” and “Zahrat al-Omr”) [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 229-250]

  • Raisi Mobarake, Nafiseh Evaluation of the grammatical content of the modern Persian language teaching textbooks [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 39-68]

  • Raisszadeh, Amir Hossein Evaluation of Persian Civil Engineering Equivalents Represented by Academy of Persian Language and Literature [(Articles in Press)]

  • Ramezani, Ahmad A Study on Reading Proficiency of First Grade Students at Turkish-Persian Bilingual and Persian Monolingual Regions [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 299-325]

  • Ramezankhani, Maryam Formalizing the Sense Relation of Words’ Opposition from Logical Point of View, a Mathematical Linguistics Approach in Persian [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 193-217]

  • Ranjbar, Mamood Checking time justifiability pattern in "wedding photo" play [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 7-27]

  • Rasekhmahand, Mohammad Persian Basic Color Terms [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 123-147]

  • Rasekh-Mahand, Mohammad Revision and classification of past participles with the typological prototype approach [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 33-63]

  • Rashidi, Naser The evaluation and comparison of Persian translations of the English novel The Prince and The Pauper by Mark Twain based on Garces’ model (1994) [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 57-105]

  • Razani, Arezoo Using Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA) To Recognize Meanings of Zadan [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 151-176]

  • Razavi, Ghazaleh-Sadat Enhancing metacognitive awareness in listening and EFL motivation through L1-mediated metacognitive intervention [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 87-113]

  • Razavi, Marzieh Sadat Word formation literacy assessment of advanced Persian learners of Alzahra University: A case study of derivational affixes [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 161-187]

  • Razavi, Mohammad Reza The study of semantic frames of external body part terms in Persian language [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 27-44]

  • Razavian, Hossein The Relationship between Verb Comprehension and Verb Production among Non-Native Persian Learners Based on Systematic Functional Approach [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 187-204]

  • Razavi Khaveh, Sayyed Mohammad Ali A Comparative Study between Proverbs of the Two Plays of Shakespeare and Their Arabic and Persian Translations: "Eight Translations of Hamlet" and "Four Translations of The Taming of the Shrew" [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 69-94]

  • Razavi Taheri, Mahya sadat Parvin E’tesami’s Debates from a Social-Political Perspective, Based on Fairclough’s Paradigm [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 343-367]

  • Razavizadeh, Akram Investigating Negative Wh-Constructions in Persian [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 189-207]

  • Razinezhad, Sayed Ali The Effect of Different Mixtures of FonF Manifestations on High School Students’ Vocabulary Learning [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 53-78]

  • Razmdideh, Parya Substitution of Uvular Consonants of Arabic Loanwords in Standard Persian and Roudbari Dialect: A Comparative Study Within The Framework of Optimality Theory [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 45-66]

  • Razmdideh, Parya Pronunciation of Ghayeni Plural Nouns with a Final Consonant Within Stratal Optimality Theory [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 99-128]

  • Razmdideh, Parya A Semantic Analysis of Compound Verbs with kærdæn light verb based on Construction Morphology Theory [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 97-129]

  • Razmjoo, Seyyed Ayatollah Interactional Metadiscourse Markers in the Discussion and Conclusion Sections of the Research Papers in the Disciplines of Political Sciences and Religious Studies [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 221-242]

  • Refahi, Samane Pragmatics and Apply it on advertising Case study: Dorto dishwashing liquid [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 209-227]

  • Rezaee, Abbasali Comparative Study of Iranian Medical Journals in English and Those of Two English-speaking Countries Nasrin Sayfouri[1] Abbas Ali Rezaee[2] Agha Fatemeh Hosseini[3] [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 103-122]

  • Rezaee, Fatemeh Evaluation of the Speaker's Politeness based on Unequal Social Status and the Gender of the Audience with Equal Social Status in the University Environment [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 9-32]

  • Rezaee, Hadaegh A Study of the Semantic Network of “-gah” Suffix of Location in Persian: A Cognitive Perspective [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 103-122]

  • Rezaei, Hadaegh The Mechanisms of the Representation of Ecology in Folk Poems of Mamasani Variety of Lori: A Discursive - Cognitive Approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 131-160]

  • Rezaei, Mahdye Equative construction in Turkic Azarbaijani [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 149-171]

  • Rezaei, Mehdi The Relationship between Turkic and Mongolian and Errors in Detection of Turkic and Mongolian Loan Words in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 7-20]

  • Reza Gholi Famian, Ali Syntactic Frameworks and Discourse Functions of Lexical Antonymy in Persian Language [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 149-177]

  • Reza Gholi Famian, Ali The structure and discourse analysis of acknowledgments in Persian M.A. and Ph.D. dissertations [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 105-127]

  • Rezai, Vali A Syntactic and Pragmatic Study of Cleft Constructions in Persian: An RRG Analysis [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 23-51]

  • Rezai, Vali Stative and Non-Stative Adjectives in Persian [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 59-78]

  • Rezai, Vali An Investigation into Locative Predicates in Persian Based on Role and Reference Grammar [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 107-125]

  • Rezai, Vali A Study of Relative Clause Extraposition in Persian Based on Discourse Grammar [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 59-85]

  • Rezai, Vali The interaction of achievement verbs and grammatical aspect in Persian [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 199-225]

  • Rezai, Vali Persian Possessive Construction Left Dislocation based on Optimality Perspective [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 201-223]


  • Rezai, Vali Prosodic Structure of Focus in Persian Language [(Articles in Press)]

  • Rezaian, Ali Transformation of the Persian Verb “Daq Didan” From a Simple to Compound Structure [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 53-65]

  • Rezamorad, Sahraee Direct Teaching of Vocabulary in Context: the Comparison of Effect of Direct and Incidental Teaching in Learning Vocabulary [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 77-102]

  • Rezanavaz, Elmira A Textual Criticism of the Translations of the Little Prince According to Textual Linguistics [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 175-201]

  • Rezapour, Abrahim The interface of syntax and sociolinguistics: sociolinguistic analysis of some Persian syntactic structures based on Labov’ variation theory [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 77-105]

  • Rezapour, Ebrahim The Role of Metaphor in Glorification and Marginalization pf Ideology in Local Newspapers [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 67-94]

  • Rezvaniyan, Mina Exclamative Constructions in Persian: A Minimalist ‎Approach [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 27-51]

  • Rezvantalab, Zeinab A comparative study of some mtaphors translations of Surah Baqarh in French translations from the perspective of Newmark (Case study: Regis Blachere and Jacques Berque’s translations) [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 65-97]

  • Rohani, Hamed Perception of Voice Onset Time (VOT) in Standard Persian Initial Stops [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 173-203]

  • Rohani Ravari, Maryam The Role of Concordance Formats in Vocabulary Learning [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 257-281]

  • Rohi, Afsar Azari-Turkish/Persian Bilinguals’ Code-Switching based on Matrix Language Frame Model (MLF) and Null theory [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 33-57]

  • Roozbeh, Rooholah A Comparative Study of Naturalistic Tendencies in Works by Sadegh Chubak and Jack London: A Functional Linguistics Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Roshan, Belgheis The Influence of Doctor-Patient Verbal Interaction on Patient Satisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 69-84]

  • Rostambeik, Atoosa Critical Analysis of LOVE Metaphor in Persian Lyrics: a Corpus-Based Approach [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 73-98]

  • Rostami, Azam Persian proficiency test: Designing and analyzing the structure, reliability, and validity [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 9-34]

  • Rostami Abusaeedi, Ali asghar Perception of intonational contours in Persian Broca’s Aphasics [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 55-76]

  • Rouhi, Afsar The Effect of Different Mixtures of FonF Manifestations on High School Students’ Vocabulary Learning [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 53-78]

  • Rouhi, Afsar The Role of Concordance Formats in Vocabulary Learning [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 257-281]

  • Rovshan, Belghis The study of Persian compound adjectives on the basis of conceptual blending theory [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 167-197]

  • Rovshan, Belghis Impersonal Modal Verbs in Middle Persian Zoroastrian [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 139-165]

  • RoVshan, Belghis Levels of Complexity of OO and SO Type Relative Clauses in Preschool Persian Speaking Children [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 119-143]

  • RoVshan, Belghis Determining grammatical Categories Of Multifunctional Words In Persian Dictionaries [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 251-272]

  • RoVshan, Belghis A Study of the Factors Influencing the Presence or Absence of “râ” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 225-252]


  • Saadat, Mahbobe Sexist Language in the Social Magazines of Iran: A Case Study of Four High-Circulating Magazines [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 133-157]

  • Saadat mostafavi, Faezeh Auxiliation in Persian and Formation of Perfect and Subjunctive Structures [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 7-26]

  • Sabouri, Narjes Impersonal Modal Verbs in Middle Persian Zoroastrian [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 139-165]

  • Sabouri, Narjes Banou Symmetric Merge in Persian Syntax, Evidences from Across-The-Board Wh and Wh Questions [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 7-36]

  • Sabouri Helestani, Narjes Banoo Investigating the functions of "shodan(become)" and "raftan(go)" in the Persian dialects of Khorasan [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 167-190]

  • Sabzalipour, Jahandost Lexicography for Dialects [1] :A Case Sstudy of Lexicography in Guilaki [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 65-96]

  • Sabzevari, Mehdi A study of meaning formation and inference and conceptual patterns of the endocentric compound nouns of Farsi [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 49-68]

  • Sabzevari, Mehdi An analysis of Lak Students' Language Transfer in Learning and Using Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 99-117]

  • Sabzevari, Mehdi Symmetric Merge in Persian Syntax, Evidences from Across-The-Board Wh and Wh Questions [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 7-36]

  • Sabzevari, Mehdi The study of Persian compound adjectives on the basis of conceptual blending theory [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 167-197]

  • Sadati Nooshabadi, Sead Mahdi Symmetric Merge in Persian Syntax, Evidences from Across-The-Board Wh and Wh Questions [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 7-36]

  • Sadeghi, Seyedeh Sareh Conceptual Metaphors of Corona in Surani Kurdish Language [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 9-33]

  • Sadeghi, Shiva Reading the discursive origins of cultural poverty in the short stories Znoon ayoub (A case study: the series of "Al-zhaya") [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 183-209]

  • Sadeghi, Vahid The Acoustical Study of Lexical Stress in Persian [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 97-124]

  • Sadeghi, Vahid Perceptual evidence for the phonological adaptation of English vowels in Persian sound system [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 273-295]

  • Sadeghi, Vahid An Acoustic Account of Turkic Vowels [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 227-255]

  • Sadeghi, Vahid Lexical retrieval in read speech: The effect of speech prosody [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 59-85]

  • Sadeghi, Vahid The Effect of Front and Back Vowel Features on Peak Alignment of Nucleus of Pitch Accent in Standard and Isfahani Persian [(Articles in Press)]

  • Saeedi, Zari Designing and Training of Interactive Multimedia Software based on Meyer's learning Theory and its effect on reading comprehension skill to Non-Persian Speakers [(Articles in Press)]

  • Saeednia, Golrokh Representation of Social Actors in Iran's Nuclear agreement Discourse Based on Model Van leeuwen in Two Newspapers Al Riyadh Saudi Arabia and Tishreen Syria [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 61-86]

  • Saeednia, Golrokh Verb Tenses and Their Ideological Implications on Translated Texts Based on CDA [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 185-211]

  • Saeednia, Golrokh Aspect and its Ideological Implications on Translated Texts Based on CDA [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 245-275]

  • Saeidzade, Ehsan The Process of Acquiring Opposite Words in Persian Children [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 211-232]

  • Safa, parivash A Contrastive Study of the Ordering Speech Act [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 119-134]

  • Safa, Parivash Application of Information Technology and Communication in French Language Teaching- Learning in Iran: A Case of e-Learning [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 53-69]

  • Safari, Ali A Constructional Account of Word Formation in Persian: Evidence from Compounding [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 165-186]

  • Safar Moghadam, Aahmad Teaching Persian Verbal Networks to Non- Iranian Learners: A Comparison of their Performance in Answering to the Alternative and Inclusive Questions [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 139-163]

  • Safavi, Koorosh Formalizing the Sense Relation of Words’ Opposition from Logical Point of View, a Mathematical Linguistics Approach in Persian [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 193-217]

  • Saharkhiz Arabani, Arash The relationship among self-efficacy, self-concept, and burnout among Iranian EFL teachers: A structural equation modelling analysis [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 33-55]

  • Sahraee, Reza The Generative Model for Language Acquisition Rethinking the Nature of Core Grammar and It’s Representation in child Language [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 145-176]

  • Sahraee, Rezamorad Persian basic words based on texts by press [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 353-378]

  • Sahraee, Rezamorad Word formation literacy assessment of advanced Persian learners of Alzahra University: A case study of derivational affixes [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 161-187]

  • Sahraee, Reza-Morad The effectiveness of conceptual mapping instruction on improving reading skills and motivation of Persian language learners [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 107-135]

  • Sahraee, Reza-Morad The effect of teaching collocation on improving intermediate Persian learner’s writing skills [(Articles in Press)]

  • Sahraei, Reza-Morad Semantic roles of dative case in Russian and ways of expressing them in Persian [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 269-295]

  • Sahrai, Reza Morad Exploring Linguistic similarities and differences in designing preschool language learning model based on the type of bilingualism [(Articles in Press)]

  • Sahraie, Reza Morad Designing and Training of Interactive Multimedia Software based on Meyer's learning Theory and its effect on reading comprehension skill to Non-Persian Speakers [(Articles in Press)]

  • Salari, Ghasem Transformation of the Persian Verb “Daq Didan” From a Simple to Compound Structure [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 53-65]

  • Salarifar, Mohammad Hosien The Representation of Some Space Components in Children with High-Functioning Autism and Normal Persian-speaking Children's Narrative Discourse: Predicates and spatial ground [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 9-39]


  • Salmanian, Bahar The Influence of Doctor-Patient Verbal Interaction on Patient Satisfaction [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 69-84]

  • Samadi, Majid Survey of the impact of typesetting in music and the meaning of discretional verses of the seven suspended odes (Mu'allaqat Saba’a’a) [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 69-110]

  • Samadi, Mehran The relationship among self-efficacy, self-concept, and burnout among Iranian EFL teachers: A structural equation modelling analysis [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 33-55]

  • Samaee, Mahdi Azari-Turkish/Persian Bilinguals’ Code-Switching based on Matrix Language Frame Model (MLF) and Null theory [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 33-57]

  • Samai, Mehdi Determining grammatical Categories Of Multifunctional Words In Persian Dictionaries [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 251-272]

  • Samani, Ebrahim Double consciousness-oriented linguistics practices among diasporic writers in two novels: “To see and to see again” and “Funny in Farsi” [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 203-217]

  • Samariha, Maliheh An Investigation on The Stylistic Conversational Characteristics of Tejarat Bank Call Center Operators from pragmatic's perspective [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 289-317]

  • Sanaati, Marzeh Abyane and its Dialect [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 101-125]

  • Sanchuli, Ataallah The imperfect aspect in Persian based on the prototype theory [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 219-241]

  • Sarfarazi, Tayebe The comparative study of transitivity and processes in the Arabic and English languages [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 83-109]

  • Sarli, Naser gholi The Theory of Cohesion and Cohesive Harmony and The usage of it in a minimal story: The Tale of a Ladder [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 51-77]

  • Sarshar, Nazila The Study of the Autistics Children's speech based on Interpersonal and textual metafunctions in the Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 65-88]

  • Sasani, Farhad The Effect of Textual Context upon the Meaning of Text [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 109-124]

  • Sasani, Farhad Speech Acts in Ta'ziye & Their Realizations in Performance [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 20-48]

  • Sasani, Farhad Lexicalization as a Framework for Explaining Non-simple Verbs in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 31-57]

  • Sasani, Farhad Otherization in the Foreign Policy Discourse of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 7-24]

  • Sasani, Farhad A Social Semiotic Analysis of One Screenplay: The Glass Agency [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 55-75]

  • Sasani, Farhad The linguistic study of the works of Sa ̅deq Heda ̅yat in hypomania and depression periods: The effect of bipolar mood disorder [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 7-26]

  • Sasani, Farhad The Representation of Self and Other in Persian Novels: Tangsir, Savushun and The Neighbors [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 21-47]

  • Sasannejad, Payam Perception of intonational contours in Persian Broca’s Aphasics [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 55-76]

  • Sattari, Ali An analysis of Lak Students' Language Transfer in Learning and Using Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 99-117]

  • Sayyadi Nejad, Rohoollah A Comparative Study between Proverbs of the Two Plays of Shakespeare and Their Arabic and Persian Translations: "Eight Translations of Hamlet" and "Four Translations of The Taming of the Shrew" [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 69-94]

  • Sedghi, Hamed Study some of the texts of Tavabe and Zavab Ibn Shohid, and Ghofran Mary Based on the hypothesis Buzyman [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 127-146]

  • Sedghi, Hamed Study some of the texts of Tavabe and Zavab Ibn Shohid, and Ghofran Mary Based on the hypothesis Buzyman [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 127-146]

  • Sedghi, Hmed Analyzing rule synergies in poetry of Arar [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 29-58]

  • Sedighi, Kolsom The Link between ‘Anima’ Old Pattern and ‘Rebirth’ In Khalil Hawi’s Mind and Language [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 117-143]

  • Sedighifar, Zohreh The effectiveness of conceptual mapping instruction on improving reading skills and motivation of Persian language learners [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 107-135]

  • Sedighifar, Zohreh Analysis of the text coherence model in Persian language of science and its representation in Persian language teaching texts with academic purpose: a corpus based approach [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 281-311]

  • Seifi, Zahra Prospect II: A Textbook Evaluation Study based on EFL Teachers’ Perspective [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 7-32]

  • Seyedi, Hosein Stylistics Addressed by Almighty Allah to Payambar (PBUH) [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 85-120]

  • Seyedi, Hosin An investigation on the Mood Structure of Jihad Lecture in Nahj- albalagheh Based on the Interpersonal Metafunction of functional Theory [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 62-79]

  • Seyedramezan, Khadijeh Analysis the written style of the criminal and legal lawsuits based on the systematic functional grammar [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 311-331]

  • Seyfi, Tayyebeh Poetic Images in the Persian and Arabic Literary Criticism [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 95-121]

  • Seyfori, Narges Comparative Study of Iranian Medical Journals in English and Those of Two English-speaking Countries Nasrin Sayfouri[1] Abbas Ali Rezaee[2] Agha Fatemeh Hosseini[3] [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 103-122]

  • Seyyed Jalali, Badri Sadat Semantic Relations in Definitions in Monolingual Dictionaries [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 177-200]

  • Shabani, Mansour Characteristics of Gapping in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 75-100]

  • Shabani, Mansour The distinction between language and dialect: Exploring the state of Gilaki Variety [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 121-148]

  • Shabani, Mansour Partial Reduplication in Roudbari variety of Tati [(Articles in Press)]

  • Shafaei, Eifa A syntactic analysis of case marker -ra in Persian [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 213-237]

  • Shafai, Ifa A Syntactic Analysis of Ergative Case Marking in some Iranian Languages: A minimalist View [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 77-108]

  • Shaghaghi, Vida Deponency and Syncretism in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 55-75]

  • Shaghaghi, Vida Morphological Productivity of Non-verbal Persian Derivational Suffixes in “Dependency Corpus” [Volume 15, Issue 46, 2023, Pages 111-147]

  • Shahiditabar, Mostafa Metaphors We Grow Old by: A Study of Gocalıq (Old Age) Metaphors in Azerbaijani Turkish Poetry [(Articles in Press)]

  • Shahrsavari, Anosha Developing a reference for Persian language Communicative functions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 73-98]

  • Shahsavar, Mahboobe The Effect of Social Variables on the Use of Linguistic Variables of Persian in Nehbandan: Syllable Structure, Morphological and Syntactic Elements [Volume 6, Issue 13, 2015, Pages 7-44]

  • Shairi, Hamidreza The study of production condition and semantic perception in discourse Interaction [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 23-49]

  • Shairi, Hamidreza Discursive –semiotics criticism of Personification as a process in literary discourse: A case study of “a bunch of flowers” by Choobak’. [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 25-58]

  • Shairi, Hamidreza Relationship between context and picture in English books(Visions)based on discoursal semantic-semiotic approach [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 149-176]

  • Shairi, Hamidreza Analysis of the Tensive Discourse System in Imam Ali (AS) ’s Letters to Mu’awiyah in Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 89-113]

  • Shakibaee far, Shahla Function of Dialogic Beat in Mahmoud Teymour’s drama “Shelter No. 13” (With an approach on basic linguistic theory of Paul.c. Castango) [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 243-267]

  • Shakki, Farzaneh The Effect of Implicit vs. Explicit Metapragmatic Instruction on the Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners’ Pragmatic Comprehension of Apology and Refusal [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 151-175]

  • Sharafi, Sasan The Candidates' Inferring Problems of TOEFL Listening Module [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 267-295]

  • Sharafzade, Mohamad hossain Words, Image Schemata and Individual Differences: A Survey Based on Bodily Communication [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 29-54]

  • Sharafzadeh, Mohammad Hossein Comparison of motion verbs in Persian and English languages (A cognitive and typological approach) [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 223-246]

  • Sharif, Maryam Architecture in literature, Stupor & Tremor by Amélie Nothomb [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 357-376]

  • Sharifi, Asadolah An investigation of the effect of oral feedback On the writing skill of L2 learners and their views about it [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 111-133]

  • Sharifi, Gohar Grammatical aspect in Persian: A distributed morphology approach [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 249-276]

  • Sharifi, ُhahla The Role of Typological features of Relative Structure on Determining Persian Word Order [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 87-114]

  • Sharifi, Lila History of producing abbreviation in Farsi [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 33-50]

  • Sharifi, Shahla A Study of Lexical Motivation in Compound Words of The Persian Language at Two Milestones with a Two Hundred Year Interval Period (the present time and 200 years ago) [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 155-175]

  • Sharifi, Shahla Introducing the Canonical Approach in Morphological Typology and its Exponent in Some Dialects and Languages of Iran [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 49-71]

  • Sharifi, Shahla Describing and analysing of some polite words in Persian based on Brown and Levinson’ s politeness theory [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 25-53]

  • Sharifi, Shahla Investigating the functions of "shodan(become)" and "raftan(go)" in the Persian dialects of Khorasan [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 167-190]

  • Sharifi, Shahla The Effect of storytelling on the spoken Language of Children with autism (mild to moderate spectrum) [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 109-129]

  • Sharifi, Shahla A Discoursive Evaluation of “Emotive Attitudes of the Opposed and Agreed Members of Parliament” in the Meeting of Introducing the Proposed Ministers of the Thirteenth Cabinet of Iran [(Articles in Press)]

  • Sharifi moghadam, Azadeh Sound Symbolism Continuum in Hafiz “Based on Hinton’s Framework” [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 59-85]

  • Sharifi moghadam, Azadeh Comparison between Sadness and Happiness Conceptual Metaphors in the Songs of Parvin Etesami [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 179-202]

  • Sharifi moghadam, Azadeh A Cognitive Analysis of the Concepts of “Divine Anger and worldly Punishment” in the Holy Quran [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 99-125]

  • Sharifimoghadam, Azadeh Genden" in Parvin Etesami's poems [Volume 2, Issue 3, 2010, Pages 125-151]

  • Sharifi Moghadam, Azadeh On the Affix /-U/ in Kermani [Volume 5, Issue 9, 2014, Pages 73-96]

  • Sharifipur shirazi, Ahmadreza A Dynamic Antisymmetry Approach to pro-drop in Persian [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 113-136]

  • Sharifipur shirazi, Ahmadreza The Distribution of Wh-word in Single Wh-Questions in Persian [Volume 11, Issue 31, 2019, Pages 129-150]

  • Sheikhhosseini, Zeinab Postcolonial Analysis of Laughing without Accent and Its Translation Applying Linguistic Appropriation Approach [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 229-248]

  • Sheikh Hosseini, Zeinab The Cultuling of Insult in the Teenage Novel Based on the Heims' approach (The case study of Abnabat Collection) [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 143-161]

  • Shekaramiz, Mansoreh The Candidates' Inferring Problems of TOEFL Listening Module [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 267-295]

  • Sherkat moghaddam, Seddigheh Hermeneutic approach to the French translation of some mystical words of Mantiq al-Tair of Attar ( A Study of Omberto Eco) [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 283-309]

  • Sheybanifard, Fatemeh The verb structure in Brahui language of Ruedbar-Jonub [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 177-204]

  • Shidai Ghara Ghshlaghi, Arezo A Case Study of the Characteristics of Nahhas’s ‘I'rab al-Quran’ and Okbari’s ’Emla’o ma Manna behe al-Rahman’ [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 71-91]

  • Shikh Sang Tajan, Shahin The Acoustic Study of Persian Vowels in CV Syllables Of Citation Form [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 97-116]

  • Shirazizadeh, Mohsen The Role of Vocabulary and Syntax in EFL Reading Comprehension among Iranian Graduate Students: Evaluation of Two Causal Models [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 363-384]

  • Shirzadeh, Fatemeh The relationship between Arabic syntax and semantics (with regard to the issue of I’ rabs & with special attention to Raf’ I’ rabs) [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 1-22]

  • Shokati Moqarab, Somaye Representing Identity and Otherness in the First Inaugural Speech of the Elected Presidents: Case Study of the Elections of Iran, the USA, France [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 81-107]


  • Siyavoshi, Sara Facial Displays in Signed Languages: a CG Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 287-316]

  • Sojoodi, Farzan Indeterminacy of Signs and Poetic Translation [Volume 3, Issue 5, 2011, Pages 133-153]

  • Sojoodi, Farzan The role of context on meaning’s shaping of the I'm Urlappi movie [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 53-68]

  • Sojoodi, Farzan The Representation of Self and Other in Persian Novels: Tangsir, Savushun and The Neighbors [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 21-47]

  • Sokhanvar, Maryam A Comparative Analysis of Acronyms in Persian, English, Arabic and Turkish [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 103-122]

  • Solati, Shima The Analysis of Some Verbal Cues to Deception in Near-death Experiences [(Articles in Press)]

  • Soleimani, Habib The Effect of Flipped Classroom Model on Students' Classroom Engagement and Writing skills among Students of English as a Foreign Language [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 88-105]

  • Soleimanifard, Faeze The Representation of 'Britain' in BBC English Learning Website: Promoting Electronic Colonialism [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 47-79]

  • Solgi, Farzaneh Second language vocabulary learning: Etymology or synonymy? [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 105-120]

  • Sommer, Werner The contribution of Planum Temporale in Number-Person features processing in bilinguals: An fMRI study [Volume 16, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 285-318]

  • Sorahi, Mohammad amin Cognitive Study of Color Metaphors in Persian [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 97-118]

  • Sotodenama, Elahe Iranian EFL Learners' Beliefs about Culture and its Reflection on Teaching English Language [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 143-174]

  • Sotoudehnama, Elaheh Second language vocabulary learning: Etymology or synonymy? [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 105-120]

  • Sotoude nama, Elahe On the Relationships among Motivation, Metacognitive Awareness of Listening Strategies and Listening Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 25-52]


  • Tabassi Mofrad, Fatemeh Differences in Contribution of Lexical Processing Levels in L2 Noun and Verb Processing and their Implications in English Language Teaching [Volume 9, Issue 22, 2017, Pages 147-162]

  • Tabatabaee, Mahin Sadat A Contrastive Move-analysis Study of the Abstracts of Humanities and Hard/Medical Sciences Based on Dudley-Evans' Model [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 203-226]

  • Tabatabaee Lotf, Seyyed Abdolmajid A Descriptive Study of the Rhetoric in Persian Expository Writings: [Volume 7, Issue 14, 2015, Pages 127-143]

  • Tabatabaee Lotf, Seyyed Abdolmajid A Contrastive Move-analysis Study of the Abstracts of Humanities and Hard/Medical Sciences Based on Dudley-Evans' Model [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 203-226]

  • Tabeshfar, Leila Inflectional "-i" morpheme and its use through the history of new persian [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 163-179]

  • Tabibzadeh, Omid Studying Metonymy in Persian and the Theory of Lexical Concepts and Cognitive Models [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 151-176]

  • Tadayyon, Parya A Study of the Effects of Rote, Mnemonic and Contextualized Strategies on Advanced Iranian EFL Learners’ Lexical Development [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 333-361]

  • Tafakkori Rezaee, Shoja Movement in Syntactic Edges and Cyclic Linearization Approache : Evidence from Scrambling in Kalhuri Kurdish [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 209-229]

  • Tafakkori Rezayi, Shoja On the Optionality of Verb-Preposing in Yes-No Questions in Persian: A Minimalist Approach [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 191-216]

  • Tafakkori Rezayi, Shoja Singular concord in Kalhori Kurdish: A distributed morphology approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Taghipour, Fatemeh On the Relationships among Motivation, Metacognitive Awareness of Listening Strategies and Listening Proficiency of Iranian EFL Learners [Volume 1, Issue 2, 2010, Pages 25-52]

  • Taghizadeh, Elahe Pronunciation problems of children with speech delay in the initial, middle and final positions of words: Evidence from Persian-speaking girls and boys aged 3 to 8 years in Birjand [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 213-233]

  • Tahavvori, Zahra The Effect of Task-based Instruction and Corrective Feedback on Pragmatic Competence Development: The Study of Intermediate Learners of Persian [(Articles in Press)]

  • Taheri, Esfandiar Relative Chronology of Sound changes in Iranian languages [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 63-81]

  • Taheri, Esfandiar Grammaticalization of Plural Suffix –gal in Iranian Languages [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 197-217]

  • Taheri, Esfanidyar An Etymological and Comparative Study of Firuzabadi Dialect Words [Volume 7, Issue 16, 2015, Pages 81-99]

  • Taheri, Khadijeh Information Structure and Thematic Structure of Persian Language A Corpus-based Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 213-242]

  • Taheri Ardali, Morteza The Elements of Focus Intonation and its Phonetic Correlates in Persian Declarative Sentences [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 107-130]

  • Tahmasbi Boveiri, Sajjad Retranslation and Development of the Translator's Translation Competence over Time: A Case Study of Saleh Hosseini’s Works [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 9-31]

  • Tahmasebi, Adnan The Effectiveness of Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) in Learning Arabic Listening Skill [Volume 14, Issue 44, 2022, Pages 227-254]

  • Tahriri, Abdorreza Developing and Preliminary Implementation of Adults Reading Comprehension Placement test: Evidence from Guilan university M.A. students [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 265-297]

  • Tahriri, Abdorreza Interactional Metadiscourse Markers in the Discussion and Conclusion Sections of the Research Papers in the Disciplines of Political Sciences and Religious Studies [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 221-242]

  • Takalo, Fateme Training Iranian High school Students to Use Test-taking Strategies in a High-Stakes Test [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-24]

  • Taki, Giti The Discourse Strategies of Advertising in Persian Magazines and Newspapers [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 1-7]

  • Talebi, Mahnaz Anger Metaphor in Language of the Blind from Birth: A comparative study with sighted counterparts [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 85-98]

  • Talebi, Morvarid Persian basic words based on texts by press [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 353-378]

  • Taleb zadeh Shoshtari, Abbas The Link between ‘Anima’ Old Pattern and ‘Rebirth’ In Khalil Hawi’s Mind and Language [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 117-143]

  • Talkhabi, Mehri The Study of the Morpho-phonological Processes in zanjani Turkish based on Optimality Theory [(Articles in Press)]

  • Tanhaee Aharee, Nassrin Relationship between context and picture in English books(Visions)based on discoursal semantic-semiotic approach [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 149-176]

  • Tarkashvand, Zahra A Study of the Factors Influencing the Presence or Absence of “râ” in the Speech of Persian Speakers [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 225-252]

  • Tavakkoli Garmaseh, Masoud Double Nature of Metaphorical Conceptualization of Love in Persian: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 309-331]

  • Tavakolnia, Maryam Exploring conceptual metaphors and visual schemas Place envelope " Fogh" In Nahj al-Balaghah [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 49-76]

  • Tazik, khalil Trends of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Research Articles between 1986 and 2015 [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 87-109]

  • Tehranidoost, Mehdi literal and figurative language processing: an event-related potential (ERP) study [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 131-150]

  • Teimuri Rabor, Zeinab The Critical Discourse Analysis of Some Inclusion Components and the Representation of Social Actors in “Bijan and Manijeh” Story: A Sociological-Semantic Approach [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 185-212]

  • Teymouri, Tannaz Analyzing the Discourse Functions of Abbas Maroufi’s The Year of Turmoil: A Faircloughian Approach [Volume 15, Issue 47, 2023, Pages 157-184]

  • Torabi, Bita The study of production condition and semantic perception in discourse Interaction [Volume 3, Issue 6, 2012, Pages 23-49]

  • Torabi, Mohammad False Friends in Zanjani Turkish and Istanbul Turkish [(Articles in Press)]

  • Torabi, Mohammad Ali Fifties Stamps discourse from the Applied Semantics Perspective Based on Van Leeuwen Critical Discourse Analysis Approach [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 267-295]

  • Torkashvand, Farshid The Analysis and approval of the Testcentric process in the Theorization of the Lebannese Magazine of “Sher”: An Adunis Perspective [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 1-21]

  • Torkashvand, Khosro The Structural, Semantics and Syntactic Characteristics of the Compound Preposition in Persian and Russian Language [Volume 4, Issue 7, 2012, Pages 49-65]

  • Tqavi, Mohammad The Ergative Case System and its Decay in Khorasani Kurmanji Dialect [Volume 8, Issue 18, 2016, Pages 123-142]


  • Uosefi, Ateyh Analysis of Translation of the novel "alshehaz" based on the theoretical model Winnie and Darblnh [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 49-72]


  • Vaezi, Hengameh Wh-constructions in Persian : A Minimalist Approach [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 199-221]

  • Vaezi, Hengameh Sluicing in Persian [Volume 8, Issue 21, 2017, Pages 134-167]

  • Vaezi, Hengameh Conjoined Multiple WH-Questions in Persian: Typo-syntactic analysis [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 159-177]

  • Vaezi, Hengameh Investigating Negative Wh-Constructions in Persian [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 189-207]

  • Vaezi, Hengameh A Semantic Analysis of Constructions Consisting of "ba"(WITH) in Persian Language [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 97-118]

  • Vahab, Maryam The Study of Different Aspects of Language Ability in 5-8-year-old Autistic children Compared to their Normal Peers [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 131-150]

  • Vahdani, Feridon Training Iranian High school Students to Use Test-taking Strategies in a High-Stakes Test [Volume 9, Issue 25, 2018, Pages 7-24]

  • Vahdati Hosseinian, Sahar Double Accusative Cases in Old Persian Constructions [(Articles in Press)]

  • Vahedikia, Mahdi Grounds for Modern Persian Pseudotranslating [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 207-232]

  • Vakilifard, Amirreza Comparing the effect of traditional and blended instructional approaches on the creativity, motivation, and learning of non-Iranian learners of Persian language [Volume 10, Issue 28, 2018, Pages 219-241]

  • Vakilifard, Amirreza Exploring the Effect of Demographic Variables on Non-Iranian Persian Learners' Learning Beliefs [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 9-37]

  • Vakilifard, Amirreza Re-conceptualizing the SIOP Model: Optimizing Academic Language Instruction for Mathematics with International Learners [(Articles in Press)]

  • Vakilifard, Amir Reza Teaching Persian Verbal Networks to Non- Iranian Learners: A Comparison of their Performance in Answering to the Alternative and Inclusive Questions [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 139-163]

  • Vakilifard, Shahdad Exploring the Effect of Demographic Variables on Non-Iranian Persian Learners' Learning Beliefs [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 9-37]

  • Valadi, Amir Effect of L1-mediated focus-on-form instruction on English language learners' oral production [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 165-184]

  • Varmazyari, Hamid A Comparison of the Microstructures of Three English-Persian Dictionaries Based on Fillmore's Frame Semantics [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 319-341]

  • Varzandeh, Omid Mukri Pronominal Enclitics distribution in VP: An Optimality Theoretic [Volume 14, Issue 45, 2023, Pages 177-205]

  • Vazirnezhad, Bahram Sonority Dispersion of Two Consonant Clusters in Syllable Boundary Position in Persian [Volume 7, Issue 17, 2016, Pages 7-27]

  • Veisi Hesar, Rahman Code-switching and Code-mixing: [Volume 6, Issue 12, 2014, Pages 99-125]

  • Veysi, Elkhas Representation of Mental Timeline in the Language Structure of Persian Speakers [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 9-32]

  • Veysi, Elkhas The Candidates' Inferring Problems of TOEFL Listening Module [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 267-295]

  • Visy, Elkhas An analysis of correlation between pitch models and their pragmatic functions in Persian [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 79-103]


  • Wilcox, Sherman Facial Displays in Signed Languages: a CG Analysis [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 287-316]


  • Yahaghi, Mohammad Jafar Lexical binaries in Ferdowsi’s Shahname and their use in teaching Farsi [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 117-145]

  • Yalsharzeh, Reza “Covid-19” or “the Chinese Virus”? [Volume 13, Issue 40, 2021, Pages 65-87]

  • Yazdani, Sarah The Syntactic and Semantic typological study of endocentric and exocentric compound nouns in Iranian children and adolescents stories [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 461-81]

  • Yazdanpanah, Mahbubeh An investigation into Iranian English literature student’ academic achievement based on Weiner’s attribution theory [Volume 14, Issue 42, 2022, Pages 9-38]

  • Yosefi, Norethen speech act of criticism from a sociolinguistics point of view [Volume 10, Issue 27, 2018, Pages 27-47]

  • Youhanaee, Manizhe A Study of Learner Errors in the Translation of the Adverbial Function “ke” in Arabic [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 87-117]

  • Yousefi, Saeed Reza Stress-Affected LFG Account of Vafsi Clitic PAMs [Volume 13, Issue 39, 2021, Pages 57-89]

  • Yousefiyan, pakzad An Investigation of the Hortatory Texts in Persian Medical Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 127-158]

  • Yousefiyan, Pakzad The Role of Some Individual Differences in Metaphorical Comprehension of Time in Persian: A Cognitive Approach [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 213-243]

  • Yousefvand, Mohammad Comparing the discourse of patients with Alzheimer (at the early and middle stages of disease) and Persian-speaking normal individuals: A linguistic and pragmatic approach [Volume 15, Issue 48, 2023, Pages 253-287]


  • Zaferani, Pardis The Relationships among Iranian EFL Learners’ Perfectionism, Anxiety and English Language Achievement: The Contribution of L2 Selves [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 157-183]

  • Zahedi, Hameed Developing a reference for Persian language Communicative functions [Volume 1, Issue 1, 2009, Pages 73-98]

  • Zahedi, Kivan History of producing abbreviation in Farsi [Volume 2, Issue 4, 2011, Pages 33-50]

  • Zaheri Abdvand, Ameneh Double Accusative Cases in Old Persian Constructions [(Articles in Press)]

  • Zamani, Maryam The role of context on meaning’s shaping of the I'm Urlappi movie [Volume 8, Issue 20, 2016, Pages 53-68]

  • Zamani, Mohammad Description and analysis of lenition in Kalhori Kurdish Ebrahim Badakhshan[1] Mohammad Zamani [2] [Volume 8, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 89-101]

  • Zamani, Salime Two Rule-based Explanations for Rule-governed Behavior of “take” –/Jetæn/- Verbs in Shahmirzadi Variety [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 37-59]

  • Zand, Fateme Translation of slang in "Diaries of a Wimpy Kid" and "The Brilliant World of Tom Gates" Novels. [Volume 11, Issue 33, 2020, Pages 161-182]

  • Zand, Fateme Postcolonial Analysis of Laughing without Accent and Its Translation Applying Linguistic Appropriation Approach [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 229-248]

  • Zand, Fatemeh Comparative Analysis of Translation of Taboos in Hezareh and Arianpour Dictionaries [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 95-120]

  • Zandi, Bahman An analysis of Lak Students' Language Transfer in Learning and Using Persian [Volume 11, Issue 30, 2019, Pages 99-117]

  • Zandi, Bahman Determining grammatical Categories Of Multifunctional Words In Persian Dictionaries [Volume 12, Issue 34, 2020, Pages 251-272]

  • Zand-Moghadam, Amir The Effect of Task-based Instruction and Corrective Feedback on Pragmatic Competence Development: The Study of Intermediate Learners of Persian [(Articles in Press)]

  • Zandrahimi, Mina Comparative analysis of expansions in 5 contemporary Persian and English translations [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 117-149]

  • Zanjanbar, Amir Hossein Semiotic Categorization of Fantastic Subject in Child Story: based on Conceptual Blending Theory [Volume 12, Issue 37, 2021, Pages 177-195]

  • Zardashti, Foroozandeh Graded Finiteness of Persain Complement Clauses Based on Landau's Minimalist view and Givon's Functionalist Approach [(Articles in Press)]

  • Zardi, Shima The Impact of Gender, Age, and Education on Language Attitudes Among Kurdish Speakers in Mahabad: A Matched-Guise Approach [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 83-96]

  • Zare, Akram Recognizing translation difficulties of (Ma) similar to (laisa) in the first and second parts of the Holy Qur’an (Based on the theory of Carmen Grosses) [Volume 13, Issue 38, 2021, Pages 9-34]

  • Zare, Javad 'The point I want you to note is': Marking importance in Persian academic lectures [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 79-103]

  • Zare, Javad English and Persian academic lectures: A corpus-driven investigation of distinguishing between important and unimportant information in SOKHAN and BASE corpora [Volume 10, Issue 26, 2018, Pages 25-44]

  • Zare, Javad Reference in importance markers in academic lectures [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 179-192]

  • Zare, Javad An investigation and classification of importance highlighting expressions based on discourse function and positioning [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 231-252]

  • Zare, Javad The Rhetorical Structure of Introductions in English Review Articles [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 167-188]

  • Zare Beromi, Morteza The Analysis of Equivalence at The Level of Words Between Source Text and Translation based on Baker’s Theory: Ayatollah Khamenei’s Lectures on Palestine [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 65-95]

  • Zare-ee, Abbas A Content Analysis of Themes in Persian Curses [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 189-212]

  • Zarei, Gholam Reza An Investigation into the Effect of Content Representation and Gender on Learners' Short-Term Memory: A Study of Cell-Phone Assisted Vocabulary Learning [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 43-64]

  • Zarei, Gholam Reza English Language Cultural Bias in the Process of Globalization: Analysis of Interchange Series [Volume 10, Issue 29, 2019, Pages 151-178]

  • Zare Zardini, Marziye Representation of Social Actors in Iran's Nuclear agreement Discourse Based on Model Van leeuwen in Two Newspapers Al Riyadh Saudi Arabia and Tishreen Syria [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 61-86]

  • Zarin chang, Farahnaz Language and Anti Language in The Plays of Eugene Ionesco [Volume 6, Issue 10, 2014, Pages 149-168]

  • Zarivand, Niloofar A Formalist Criticismm of Qase’eh Sermon [Volume 7, Issue 15, 2015, Pages 7-42]

  • Zarkob, Manxoure The Approach of Linked and Linkage Units in the Arabic Language [Volume 4, Issue 8, 2013, Pages 67-95]

  • Zarkob, Manxoure A Study of Learner Errors in the Translation of the Adverbial Function “ke” in Arabic [Volume 5, Issue 901, 2014, Pages 87-117]

  • Zarshenas, Zohreh The verb structure in Brahui language of Ruedbar-Jonub [Volume 12, Issue 35, 2020, Pages 177-204]

  • Zeighami, Ali Studying Iranophobia's Language Strategies in Al Arabiya News Agency Based on the Entman Framework Theory and VanDyk's Ideological Squares [Volume 16, Issue 50, 2024, Pages 65-95]

  • Zekrati, Soroor Prospect II: A Textbook Evaluation Study based on EFL Teachers’ Perspective [Volume 9, Issue 24, 2017, Pages 7-32]

  • Zeynali Dastuyi, Seddigheh An Investigation of the Hortatory Texts in Persian Medical Discourse [Volume 11, Issue 32, 2019, Pages 127-158]

  • Zeynali Dastuyi, Seddigheh The Relationship between the Addressee’s Social Dominance and Request Strategies Usage by Iranian Teenage Students [Volume 15, Issue 49, 2024, Pages 149-186]

  • Zinali, Sevil A Study of Cultural Oppositions in theFrench Translation of the Ta’aroff (Complimentary) Discourse of Mum’s Guest by HushangMoradiKermani [Volume 6, Issue 11, 2014, Pages 135-162]

  • Zoalfaghary, Akram Lexical aspect and its role in the modality in the 53th letter of nahj al balaghe [Volume 9, Issue 23, 2017, Pages 121-150]

  • Zoalfaghary, Akram Reading the moral concepts of Nahj ah-Balaghah based on conversational implicative [Volume 13, Issue 41, 2021, Pages 137-166]

  • Zohdi, Samira ِ About Two Avestan Compounds aǝm.mǝrǝṇcō و upā.θβaiieiti in Vishtasp Yasht [Volume 14, Issue 43, 2022, Pages 145-154]

  • Zohrabi, Mohammad A Study of the Effects of Rote, Mnemonic and Contextualized Strategies on Advanced Iranian EFL Learners’ Lexical Development [Volume 12, Issue 36, 2020, Pages 333-361]